ROYAL-CARIBBEAN-CRUISES Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


Jason T. Liberty -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank  you,  Michael,  and  good  morning,  everyone.  I  am  proud  to  share  our  outstanding

second-quarter results and the continued upward trajectory of our business. As you saw in the press

release this morning, our momentum continues. Demand for the incredible experiences our leading

brands deliver continue to be robust.

As a result, we achieved Trifecta 18 months early. We are reinstating a dividend, and we are raising

our  full-year  guidance.  Less  than  2  years  ago,  we  announced  Trifecta,  a  3-year  financial

performance program that created the pathway back to what we internally call base camp. We said

we  would  deliver  triple-digit  adjusted  EBITDA  per  APCD,  double-digit  adjusted  earnings  per  share

and return on invested capital in the teens.

Today, I'm delighted to share that we have achieved all 3 trifecta goals on a trailing 12-month basis,

18 months ahead of the schedule. In addition, our leverage is now below 3.5x when excluding the

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impact of new ships that were delivered midyear. With Trifecta accomplished and our balance sheet

in  the  strong  position,  we  are  excited  to  broaden  our  capital  allocation  by  reinstating  a  quarterly

dividend of $0.40 per share. Capital returns that include a competitive dividend have always been

and  will  continue  to  be  a  key  pillar  of  our  strategy  to  supplement  our  growth  as  we  focus  on

delivering long-term shareholder value.

I  want  to  thank  the  entire  Royal  Caribbean  Group  team  for  their  passion,  dedication,  and

commitment. Their efforts helped accelerate our path to reaching Trifecta and will continue to ensure

us  to  deliver  the  best  vacation  experiences  responsibly  while  driving  exceptional  financial  results.

Trifecta is an important milestone, but we are just getting started as our ambitions go well beyond it.

We are excited by the large opportunity in front of us as we seek to take a greater share from the

rapidly growing $1.9 trillion vacation market.

Our  plan  to  capitalize  on  this  opportunity  is  well  grounded  in  a  set  of  underlying  strategies,  the

powerful  foundation  of  our  leading  global  brand  and  a  proven  formula  for  success:  moderate

capacity growth, moderate yield growth and strong cost discipline and the best people in the world

to  execute  on  at  all.  Now  moving  on  to  our  results.  The  second  quarter  exceeded  our  already

elevated expectations. We have seen an incredibly robust booking and pricing environment across

all  our  key  itineraries,  which  is  not  only  setting  us  up  for  success  in  the  future  periods,  but  also

contributed to the outperformance in the second quarter.

This,  coupled  with  continued  strength  in  onboard  spend,  which  is  heavily  influenced  by  our

pre-cruise  commercial  engine,  drove  the  revenue  and  earnings  outperformance  for  the  quarter.  In

the second quarter, we delivered approximately 2 million vacations at exceptional guest satisfaction

scores. Yields grew 13.3% compared to the second quarter of last year, which was almost 300 basis

points  above  our  guidance.  The  revenue  outperformance  combined  with  approximately  $0.15  in

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favorable  timing  of  costs  resulted  in  an  adjusted  EPS  that  was  considerably  higher  than  our


Naftali  will  elaborate  more  about  second-quarter  details  and  results  in  a  few  minutes.  The  strong

demand  environment  is  also  translating  into  higher  revenue  and  earnings  expectations  for  the

balance  of  the  year.  We  are  increasing  full-year  yield  growth  expectations  by  115  basis  points

compared  to  our  prior  guidance,  and  we  now  expect  adjusted  earnings  per  share  to  grow  68%

year-over-year.  2024  bookings  have  consistently  outpaced  last  year  throughout  the  entire  second

quarter and into July despite the fact that we have significantly fewer staterooms left to sell leading

to higher pricing for all key products.

The  North  American  consumer  who  represents  approximately  80%  of  our  sourcing  this  year

continues to be robust, driving strong yield growth across all key products. In addition to strength in

the Caribbean, European and Alaska summer itineraries are performing exceptionally well, and we

have  experienced  greater  pricing  power  than  expected  since  our  last  earnings  call,  leading  to

increased expectations for yield growth. Our nimble sourcing model, coupled with our brand's global

appeal  and  leading  position  in  their  respective  segments  allows  us  to  successfully  capture  quality

demand  across  the  segments,  sourced  from  new  and  younger  consumer  bases  and  attract  the

highest  yielding  guests.  With  such  strong  momentum,  2024  is  on  track  to  be  another  exceptional

year with double-digit yield growth and significant earnings growth.

We  now  expect  full-year  net  yield  growth  of  10.4%  to  10.9%.  Our  yield  outlook  is  driven  by  the

performance  of  new  and  existing  ships,  combined  with  our  leading  private  destinations  a  strong

pricing  environment,  continued  growth  from  onboard  revenue  and  are  accelerating  commercial

apparatus. We increased our revenue expectations for the second half of 2024 and now expect to

deliver  mid-single-digit  yield  growth  in  the  back  half  of  the  year,  which  continues  to  be  above  our

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typical moderate yield growth expectations. Just as a reminder that this is on top of approximately

17% yield increase versus 2019 in the back half of 2023.

We also continue to expect higher margins and higher earnings with adjusted EPS expected to be

between $11.35 and $11.45 and EBITDA margins that is over 300 basis points higher than last year.

As  we  look  ahead,  we  remain  focused  on  executing  our  proven  formula  for  success,  moderate

capacity growth, moderate yield growth and strong cost controls, which lead to enhanced margins,

profitability,  and  superior  financial  return.  We  continue  to  see  a  very  positive  sentiment  from  our

customers bolstered by a resilient economy, low unemployment, stabilizing inflation and record high

household  net  worth.  Consumer  preference  continues  to  shift  toward  spend  on  experiences  with

particularly prioritizing toward travel.

Consumers  have  10%  more  vacation  days  compared  to  2019  and  they  are  using  half  of  that

increase to travel. In fact, our research suggests that consumers are spending more on travel than

any other leisure category and that they intend to increase their travel spend in the next 12 months.

Cruise remains an attractive value proposition and cruise purchase intent is high and continues to

strengthen. Consumer financials remain healthy across demographics.

The  number  of  baby  boomers  reaching  retirement  age  is  expected  to  grow  30%  to  73  million  by

2030.  Based  on  our  research,  retirees  take  50%  more  vacation  time  than  non-retirees.  The  baby

boomer generation also holds 50% of the $156 trillion of U.S. wealth, and they are expected not only

to spend more on travel, but also to transfer $7 trillion of their wealth to other generations over the

next 2 decades, including traveling together.

We  are  already  benefiting  from  that  active  and  real-time  wealth  transfer  through  multigenerational

travel  across  our  brands.  Our  research  shows  that  younger  generations,  millennials  and  younger,

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are also benefiting from the 10% increase in leisure time compared to 2019 and that they intend to

allocate more of this time on travel than any other leisure category. This attractive traveler continues

to gain share within our customer base at a faster pace than any other generation. And today, 1 of

every 2 customers is a millennial or younger.

Their travel needs and behaviors vary across trip length and type. So the differentiated experiences

offered by our incredible brands resonate extremely well with these next generations of cruisers. Our

addressable market is growing, and we are attracting more customers into our vacation ecosystem.

New-to-cruise customers are up double digits versus last year, and at the same time, we are seeing

stronger repeat rates.

Once  booked,  guests  are  quickly  engaging  with  us  and  buying  significantly  more  onboard

experiences  per  booking  than  in  the  second  quarter  of  last  year,  both  earlier  and  on  meaningfully

higher APDs translating into higher satisfaction rates and higher onboard spend. Putting customers

at the center of our orbit has been critical to our success and allows us to meet guests for all of life's

moments, transforming the vacation of a lifetime into a lifetime of vacations. A key differentiator for

us  on  this  journey  is  our  hardware,  where  we  are  constantly  innovating.  This  quarter,  we  took

delivery of Utopia of the Seas, the ultimate weekend getaway, a shift positioned to be another game

changer for our short Caribbean product.

Our short Caribbean cruise product is an important entry point for new-to-cruise and new-to-brand

with nearly 7 and 10 guests following in these categories and always skewing more toward younger

customers. Younger consumers find this product particularly appealing. In fact, approximately 40%

of guests who follow in this demographic have indicated that they intend to book a short vacation in

the next 12 months. Moreover, 90% of guests who sail on our short product intend to cruise again

with roughly half planning to return for a longer cruise.

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We  also  launched  Silver  Ray,  which  continues  to  redefine  the  ultra-luxury  segment.  Since

introducing  the  Nova  class  last  year,  Silver  Nova  and  Silver  Ray  have  attracted  a  higher  mix  of

younger  guests  than  the  rest  of  the  fleet.  We  have  an  exciting  lineup  of  new  ships  on  order,

including Celebrity Cruises, Celebrity Xcel, which launches in late 2025, and Royal Caribbean's Star

of  the  Seas  debuting  in  mid-2025.  The  third  Icon  class  ship  in  2026  and  the  seventh  Oasis  class

ship in 2028.

We also continue to lead the vacation industry with exciting new experiences on our ships and our

portfolio  of  private  destinations.  Perfect  Day  at  CocoCay  continues  to  perform  exceptionally  well,

and  we  are  reaching  important  milestones  on  Royal  Beach  Club  Paradise  Island  opening  in  2025

and  Royal  Beach  Club  in  Cozumel,  Mexico  opening  in  2026.  These  new  experiences  uniquely

position  us  to  continue  taking  share  from  land-based  alternatives.  As  we  deepen  our  relationship

with our guests, this quarter's launch of our Enterprise Loyalty Status Match program is an important

step  in  integrating  our  brands,  rewarding  our  guests  for  staying  within  our  family  of  brands  and

making travel planning even more seamless.

In  just  2  months  since  the  program  launched,  we  have  seen  a  significant  increase  in  enrollment

across all of our brands and positive feedback from our loyal fan base. Once customers book their

dream vacation over 90% utilize new features and enhancement on our apps. Notably, more than

70% of guests are making pre-cruise purchases before they sail, and they spend more than double

compared  to  those  who  only  make  purchases  on  board.  Finally,  our  sustainability  ambitions  help

inform our strategic and financial decisions daily, supporting our mission to deliver the best vacation

experiences responsibly.

We  remain  committed  to  our  see  the  future  vision,  sustaining  the  planet,  energizing  communities,

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and  accelerating  innovation.  Our  recent  Maritime  Decarbonization  Summit  onboard  Utopia  of  the

Seas  underscores  our  commitment  to  reaching  net-zero  emissions  by  2050  through  industrywide

collaboration.  More  than  30  shipowners,  shipbuilders  and  technology  and  energy  providers

convened to catalyze advancements in necessary technological solutions and alternative fuels. We

are  optimistic  about  this  important  step  in  unifying  our  industry  and  fostering  an  environment  for

advancing quality and scalable, sustainable solutions.

In summary, our business continues to perform exceptionally well, and we are very pleased with our

performance, achieving Trifecta early and reinstating the dividend. This sets us up well as we seek

to  take  share  from  the  rapidly  growing  $1.9  trillion  vacation  market.  With  our  strong  platform,  our

proven  strategies,  we  are  creating  a  lifetime  medication  experiences  for  our  customers  while

delivering long-term shareholder value and strong financial results. And with that, I will turn the call

over to Naftali.


Naftali Holtz -- Chief Financial Officer

Thank you, Jason, and good morning, everyone. I will start by reviewing second-quarter results. Our

teams  delivered  another  strong  performance  that  exceeded  our  expectations,  resulting  in  adjusted

earnings per share of $3.21. The $0.51 per share outperformance compared to the midpoint of our

guidance is driven by better revenue across our leading brands and across key itineraries as well as

approximately $0.15 per share favorable timing of expenses.

We  finished  the  second  quarter  with  a  net  yield  growth  of  13.3%.  Load  factors  were  108.2%  and

contributed  approximately  300  basis  points  to  yield  growth,  with  the  remaining  increase  driven  by

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rates that were up by 10% from both new and existing hardware. All key products had double-digit

yield  growth  with  strength  in  close-in  demand  for  the  Caribbean  and  Europe  that  drove  the

outperformance in the quarter. NCC excluding fuel, increased 5.7% in constant currency.

The favorable cost performance compared to our guidance is driven by favorable timing of expenses

that more than offset the negative impact of stock compensation given the significant appreciation of

our  stock  price  during  the  second  quarter.  Adjusted  EBITDA  was  $1.6  billion  and  gross  EBITDA

margin was 38%. As Jason mentioned, we also achieved our Trifecta targets on a trailing 12-month

basis  as  of  the  end  of  the  second  quarter.  We  delivered  $113  adjusted  EBITDA  per  APCD,  13%

above  our  triple-digit  target,  mid-teens  ROIC  consistent  with  our  target  in  the  teens  and  $10.08

adjusted EPS slightly above our double-digit target.

Leverage was below 3.5x when excluding the impact of new ships that were delivered midyear, and

we are on track to get very close to our double-digit carbon intensity reduction target by year-end.

Our  2024  booked  position  remains  very  strong  across  all  products  and  markets  and  continues  to

outpace  last  year  in  both  rate  and  volume.  The  Caribbean  makes  up  approximately  55%  of  our

capacity for the year and 42% for the third quarter. This product is booked ahead in both rate and

volume and the strong yield growth is driven by new hardware and higher pricing on existing ships

supported by our private destinations.

Europe accounts for 15% of our capacity for the full year and 28% during the third quarter. Europe is

in a record booked position in both rate and volume and continued strength in pricing, it resulted in

an increase in our revenue expectations for Europe sailings. Our summer Alaska season represents

6% of full-year capacity and 14% in the third quarter. We have increased our capacity this year as a

result of upgrading the hardware in the market.

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Like  Europe,  we  have  seen  strong  demand  since  our  last  earnings  call,  leading  to  increased

expectations  for  yield  growth  for  this  product.  Now  let  me  talk  about  our  increased  guidance

expectations  for  2024.  Net  yields  are  expected  to  be  up  10.4%  to  10.9%  for  the  full  year.  The

increase in the guidance is driven by higher pricing for both new hardware and like-for-like as well as

onboard revenue.

The yield cadence for the year is influenced by the load factor and pricing power catch-up in the first

half. The timing of CocoCay's opening makes the comp easier for the first half of 2024. And when

adjusting  for  such  structural  changes,  yield  growth  is  just  about  the  same  amount  in  each  quarter

compared to 2019. Now moving to costs.

Full-year net cruise costs, excluding fuel, are expected to be up approximately 6%. Our cost metric

is  up  50  basis  points  compared  to  our  prior  guidance  and  is  driven  entirely  by  higher  noncash

stock-based  compensation  given  the  significant  increase  in  the  stock  price  since  the  last  earnings

call. We have very few dry dock days in the third quarter but significantly more in the fourth quarter,

which  together  with  timing  of  stock  compensation  expense,  will  weigh  on  our  cost  metrics  for  the

fourth quarter. We anticipate a fuel expense of $1.17 billion for the year, and we are 61% hedged at

below market rates.

We are raising our adjusted EPS guidance to $11.35 to $11.45. I want to provide a little more color

on  the  progress  of  our  earnings  guidance.  We  are  increasing  our  guidance  by  $0.60  for  the  year.

About half of the increase is driven by second quarter close-in demand and the other half is driven

by better pricing and business outlook for the rest of the year.

As I mentioned, we had about $0.15 cost timing in the second quarter, which is shifting into the back

half  of  the  year.  Now  I  will  discuss  our  third-quarter  guidance.  We  plan  to  operate  13.4  million

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APCDs  during  the  third  quarter.  Net  yields  are  expected  to  be  up  6.5%  to  7%  compared  to  2023,

and that is on top of a 16.7% yield growth last year.

Net cruise costs, excluding fuel, are expected to be up 4.7% to 5.2%. Taking all of this into account,

we  expect  adjusted  earnings  per  share  for  the  quarter  to  be  $4.90  to  $5.  Turning  to  our  balance

sheet. We ended the quarter with $3.8 billion in liquidity.

We  have  been  making  significant  progress  in  strengthening  the  balance  sheet  toward  our  goal  of

investment-grade metrics. Better performance and disciplined capital allocation allowed us to reduce

leverage  below  3.5x  as  of  the  end  of  the  second  quarter  when  excluding  the  impact  of  new  ships

that  were  delivered  midyear,  this  level  is  within  our  target  leverage  range.  We  plan  to  continue  to

proactively  pay  down  debt  and  pursue  opportunistic  refinancings  to  manage  maturities,  reduce

interest  expense  and  achieve  an  unsecured  balance  sheet.  During  the  second  quarter,  we  paid

down the remaining balance of our debt holiday that allowed us to remove any restrictions around

capital return.

As you saw in the press release today, we also initiated a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. In

closing,  we  remain  committed  and  focused  on  executing  on  our  strategy  and  delivering  on  our

mission. With that, I will ask the operator to open the call for a question-and-answer session.

Questions & Answers:
