MERCK Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


Caroline Litchfield, chief financial officer; and Dr. Dean Li, president of Merck Research Labs.

Before  we  get  started,  I'd  like  to  point  out  that  we  have  items  in  our  GAAP  results  such  as

acquisition-related charges, restructuring costs, and certain other items, and that we have excluded

these from our non-GAAP results. There is a reconciliation in our press release. I will also remind

you that some of the statements that we make today may be considered forward-looking statements

within the meaning of the safe harbor provision of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act

of 1995.

Such statements are made based on the current beliefs of Merck's management and are subject to

significant  risks  and  uncertainties.  If  our  underlying  assumptions  prove  inaccurate  or  uncertainties

materialize,  actual  results  may  differ  materially  from  those  set  forth  in  the  forward-looking

statements. Our SEC filings, including Item 1A and the 2023 10-K, identify certain risk factors and

cautionary statements that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those

projected  in  any  of  our  forward-looking  statements  made  this  morning.  Merck  undertakes  no

obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements.

During  today's  call,  a  slide  presentation  will  accompany  our  speakers'  prepared  remarks.  These

slides, along with the earnings release, today's prepared remarks, and our SEC filings are all posted

to the Investor Relations section of Merck's website. With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Rob. 

Robert M. Davis -- Chair and Chief Executive Officer

Thanks, Peter. Good morning, and thank you for joining today's call. Our business is demonstrating

strong  momentum  as  we  exit  the  first  half  of  the  year.  We  remain  guided  by  our  purpose  of

harnessing the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world.

Our  ambitious  and  dedicated  teams  are  working  tirelessly  to  reach  more  patients  with  our  broad

commercial  portfolio  and  advance  our  deep  pipeline  with  the  goal  of  delivering  future  innovations

that  solve  for  additional  unmet  medical  needs.  Through  excellent  scientific,  commercial,  and

operational execution, we're achieving significant milestones for our company and for patients. This

quarter,  we're  proud  to  have  successfully  launched  Winrevair  which  has  introduced  a  novel

mechanism to treat adults suffering with pulmonary arterial hypertension. We're also pleased by the

recent FDA approval of Capvaxive, the first approved pneumococcal conjugate vaccine specifically

designed for adults as well as the subsequent ACIP recommendation.

Both of these important innovations demonstrate our unwavering commitment to creating value for

patients  and  shareholders.  And  we  remain  committed  to  the  execution  of  strategic  business

development  to  further  augment  our  pipeline.  We  recently  announced  and  have  now  closed  the

acquisition  of  EyeBio,  which  expands  our  effort  in  ophthalmology  and  brings  to  Merck  a  novel

late-phase  candidate  for  the  treatment  of  retinal  diseases.  This  promising  new  mechanism  adds

another  substantial  potential  commercial  opportunity  to  our  expanding  pipeline  in  an  area  of

significant unmet medical need.

In  addition,  our  Animal  Health  business  closed  the  acquisition  of  Elanco's  aqua  business,  which

establishes Merck as a leader in this important production animal category. Three years ago, I was

honored to step into the role of CEO, and it remains my top priority to uphold and build on Merck's

legacy  as  a  premier  science-driven,  patient-focused  biopharmaceutical  company.  At  that  time,  I

affirmed  Merck's  strategic  commitment  to  the  research  and  development  of  innovative  medicines

and  vaccines  as  a  source  of  long-term  value  creation.  I  communicated  our  intention  to  be

appropriately  aggressive  in  making  the  necessary  investments  to  both  advance  our  broad  internal

pipeline and augment it with the best external science through business development.

Since then, we've made substantial progress in expanding and evolving our pipeline for the benefit

of future patients. We have the potential to bring as many new drugs to market in the next five years

as we launched over the last 10 years across a greater number of therapeutic areas and modalities

and  with  a  significant  proportion  having  blockbuster-plus  potential.  We've  made  tremendous

progress building on our past successes, enabling the creation of a sustainable engine that will drive

future  innovations  for  patients,  and  we  continue  to  leverage  our  scientific  prowess  to  identify  new

therapeutic targets where we can add value to our expertise in clinical development and regulatory

affairs and our global commercial scale. I'm also proud of the substantial improvements we've made

across our sustainability focus areas.

We're reaching more people with our medicines and vaccines across a greater number of countries

globally  than  ever  before  and  doing  so  with  a  dedicated,  highly  talented,  and  diverse  employee

base. Finally, we're driving increased innovation and productivity through widespread integration of

data, digital, and analytics in all areas of our business. Going forward, I'm committed to ensuring our

actions  remain  aligned  with  our  strategy.  and  I'm  confident  that  we  are  well-positioned  to  deliver

value to patients and shareholders long into the future.

Turning  to  our  second-quarter  results.  We  achieved  strong  growth,  reflecting  continued  demand

across our broad portfolio, which is reflected in our updated full-year guidance, which Caroline will

speak  to  in  just  a  moment.  Turning  to  our  broader  research  efforts  and  new  launches.  In

cardiometabolic,  we've  seen  very  favorable  reception  by  physicians,  patients  and  payers  to  the

availability of Winrevair.

While still early, the U.S. launch has gone very well, in line with our own high expectations. We've

deployed  a  focused  customer-centric  rare  disease  model  and  are  pleased  to  see  an  increasing

number of prescriptions being written and patients obtaining access. We've also received a positive

CHMP opinion and look forward to potential regulatory approval in Europe in the near future.

We continue to see a tremendous opportunity to positively impact the lives of patients living with this

devastating disease. In vaccines, we've continued to bring forward innovations for both adults and

children.  We  are  proud  of  the  recent  FDA  approval  of  Capvaxive  for  the  prevention  of  invasive

pneumococcal  disease  and  pneumococcal  pneumonia  in  adults  and  the  unanimous  ACIP

recommendation.  Given  its  compelling  clinical  profile,  we  expect  that  Capvaxive  will  achieve  a

majority market share in the adult setting.

We  were  also  pleased  to  announce  positive  top-line  results  from  the  phase  2b/3  clinical  trial  for

clesrovimab,  our  investigational  monoclonal  antibody  for  the  prevention  of  RSV  in  infants,  and  we

are moving swiftly to bring this important option to market. Finally, at our ASCO investor event we

highlighted  the  significant  broadening  of  our  oncology  pipeline  and  the  progress  we've  made  in

building  on  the  success  of  Keytruda.  We  presented  data  from  multiple  novel  candidates

demonstrating our commitment to advancing standards of care and maintaining leadership over the

long  term.  As  a  company,  we  remain  highly  focused  and  continue  to  work  with  urgency  to  bring

forward these innovations and others for the patients we serve.

In summary, I want to again recognize the tremendous efforts of our global team. Together, we've

made  significant  progress  across  our  diverse  pipeline  and  portfolio.  As  a  company,  we've  been

advancing  science  for  the  benefit  of  patients  for  over  130  years,  and  I'm  confident  that  Merck  is

well-positioned to deliver value to patients, shareholders and to all of our stakeholders well into the

future. With that, I'll turn the call over to Caroline.

Caroline Litchfield -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Thank you, Rob. Good morning. As Rob noted, we delivered another excellent quarter with growth

driven  by  robust  global  demand  across  our  innovative  portfolio.  These  results  are  enabled  by  the

excellent execution of our teams and reinforce the conviction we have in our science-led strategy.

We  remain  confident  in  our  ability  to  continue  to  deliver  strong  results  in  the  near  term  and  are

committed  to  making  disciplined  investments  in  compelling  science  to  drive  long-term  value  for

patients,  customers,  and  shareholders.  Now  turning  to  our  second-quarter  results.  Total  company

revenues were $16.1 billion, an increase of 7% or 11% excluding the impact of foreign exchange.

The following revenue comments will be on an ex-exchange basis.

Our  Human  Health  business  sustained  its  momentum  with  double-digit  growth  of  11%,  primarily

driven  by  oncology.  Our  Animal  Health  business  also  delivered  solid  performance  with  sales

increasing 6%, driven by growth in livestock products. Turning to the performance of our key brands.

In  oncology,  sales  of  Keytruda  grew  21%  to  $7.3  billion,  driven  by  increased  uptake  from

earlier-stage cancers and continued strong global demand for metastatic indications.

In the U.S., Keytruda grew across a broad range of tumors. In the earlier stage setting, the increase

was  largely  attributable  to  uptake  from  KEYNOTE-671  and  KEYNOTE-091  in  non-small  cell  lung

cancer.  Keytruda  has  now  achieved  market  leadership  in  the  neoadjuvant  and  adjuvant  settings,

building  on  its  existing  leadership  position  as  adjuvant  therapy.  In  metastatic  disease,  we  saw

continued  strong  uptake  in  first-line  advanced  urothelial  cancer  following  the  recent  launch  of


Keytruda  plus  Padcev  has  now  surpassed  platinum  chemotherapy-based  regimens  in  new  patient

start.  Outside  the  U.S.  Keytruda  growth  was  driven  by  increased  use  in  certain  earlier-stage

cancers,  including  high-risk  early  stage  triple-negative  breast  cancer  and  intermediate  high  or

high-risk  renal  cell  carcinoma  as  well  as  continued  strong  demand  from  patients  with  metastatic

disease.  Inflation-related  price  increases  consistent  with  market  practice  in  Argentina  also

contributed to growth.

Alliance  revenue  from  Lynparza  and  Lenvima  each  grew  4%.  Welireg  sales  more  than  doubled  to

$126  million  driven  by  increased  uptake  in  certain  patients  with  previously  treated  advanced  renal

cell carcinoma. Our vaccines portfolio delivered solid growth. Gardasil sales increased 4% to $2.5


In the U.S., sales benefited from price as well as demand and favorable CDC purchasing patterns.

Outside  the  U.S.,  higher  demand  across  many  international  markets  was  partially  offset  by  the

timing of shipments to China. In pneumococcal, Vaxneuvance sales increased 16% to $189 million.

Growth was driven by ongoing launches in international markets.

As Rob noted, we are very excited by the opportunity to positively impact the lives of adult patients

with  pulmonary  arterial  hypertension  following  the  recent  U.S.  launch  of  Winrevair.  Recall,  we

received FDA approval on March 26th with the first patients receiving therapy about one month later.

Initial patient and physician feedback has been favorable, and we recorded $70 million of sales in

the quarter.

We  estimate  that  approximately  40%  of  sales  were  attributable  to  doses  administered  to  patients.

with  the  remainder  due  to  distributors  building  inventory  in  support  of  increasing  demand.  The

launch  is  off  to  a  strong  start.  As  of  the  end  of  June,  more  than  2,000  patients  received  a

prescription for Winrevair.

Our experience to date with those prescriptions would suggest that approximately 75% to 80% will

receive  commercial  product.  Of  those,  more  than  1,000  patients  started  treatment  in  the  quarter,

largely reflecting prescriptions written in April and May as it currently takes approximately one month

to  complete  the  steps  necessary  to  commence  therapy.  More  than  500  physicians  have  written  at

least  one  prescription  with  many  looking  to  gain  experience  with  the  product  as  they  prioritize

treating the most advanced patient who are in greatest need of additional therapy. Most prescribers

are from either large academic centers or larger private practices.

We are pleased that payers are recognizing the value of Winrevair and are already providing access

to patients. Many payers have established coverage policies consistent with the label or STELLAR

study  criteria,  while  others  are  in  the  process  of  developing  their  policies.  In  summary,  we  are

pleased  with  the  strong  start  and  look  forward  to  continued  progress  in  enabling  access  for

appropriate  patients  over  the  coming  months.  Our  Animal  Health  business  delivered  another  solid

quarter with sales increasing 6%.

Livestock  sales  grew  11%,  driven  by  higher  demand  for  poultry  and  ruminant  products  as  well  as

price. Companion animal sales grew 1%, reflecting price, partially offset by a reduction in distributor

inventory.  We  are  also  excited  to  have  launched  a  long-acting  Bravecto  injectable  in  a  number  of

international  markets  during  June.  I  will  now  walk  you  through  the  remainder  of  our  P&L,  and  my

comments will be on a non-GAAP basis.

Gross margin was 80.9%, an increase of 4.3 percentage points driven by reduced royalty rates for

Keytruda  and  Gardasil  as  well  as  favorable  product  mix.  Operating  expenses  decreased  to  $6.2

billion. There were no significant business development expenses in the quarter compared with the

$10.2 billion charge a year ago. Excluding this charge, operating expenses grew 8% and reflecting

strategic investments to realize the promise of our robust early and late-phase pipeline and support

the promotion of our key growth drivers.

Other expense was $108 million. Our tax rate was 14.1%. Taken together, earnings per share were

$2.28. Now turning to our 2024 non-GAAP guidance.

The  continued  operational  strength  of  our  business  enabled  us  to  raise  and  narrow  our  full-year

revenue  guidance.  We  now  expect  revenue  to  be  between  $63.4  billion  and  $64.4  billion,  an

increase  of  approximately  $200  million  at  the  midpoint.  Our  increased  guidance  range  represents

strong  year-over-year  revenue  growth  of  5%  to  7%,  including  an  approximate  3  percentage  point

negative impact from foreign exchange using mid-July rates. Our gross margin assumption remains

approximately 81%.

We now expect operating expenses to be between $26.8 billion and $27.6 billion. This range reflects

an  incremental  $1.5  billion  of  charges  related  to  the  onetime  cost  to  acquire  EyeBio  and  ongoing

expenses  to  advance  the  asset  as  well  as  investments  to  progress  our  innovative  pipeline.  As  a

reminder,  our  guidance  does  not  assume  additional  significant  potential  business  development

transactions.  Other  expense  is  expected  to  be  approximately  $350  million,  which  now  includes

financing costs for the acquisitions of EyeBio and Elanco's aqua business.

Our  full-year  tax  rate  is  now  expected  to  be  between  15.5%  and  16.5%,  which  includes  an

unfavorable  impact  related  to  the  EyeBio  acquisition  that  is  not  tax  deductible.  We  assume

approximately  2.54  billion  shares  outstanding.  Taken  together,  we  expect  EPS  of  $7.94  to  $8.04.

This  range  includes  a  negative  impact  from  foreign  exchange  of  more  than  $0.30  using  mid-July


Recall our prior guidance range was $8.53 to $8.65 and including the onetime charge of $1.3 billion

or  $0.51  per  share  related  to  the  acquisition  of  EyeBio  and  an  estimated  $0.09  to  advance  the

assets  as  well  as  finance  the  EyeBio  and  Elanco  aqua  business  transactions,  our  prior  guidance

range  would  have  been  $7.93  to  $8.05,  with  a  midpoint  of  $7.99.  Our  current  guidance  midpoint

remains  the  same  as  our  higher  revenue  estimate  is  being  offset  by  increased  investments  to

support our business. As you consider your models, there are a few items to keep in mind. We look

forward  to  the  opportunity  to  help  protect  certain  adults  from  invasive  pneumococcal  disease  and

pneumococcal pneumonia following the recent FDA approval and recommendation of Capvaxive.

We  are  now  working  toward  the  achievement  of  certain  milestones  that  will  enable  commercial

uptake.  These  milestones  include  publication  in  the  morbidity  and  mortality  weekly  report,  which

typically lags an ACIP recommendation by a few months as well as obtaining payer coverage and

contracting with customers. For Gardasil, over the past few years, we've benefited from extremely

strong  demand  in  China  including  from  the  expanded  indication  of  Gardasil  9  to  the  9-  to  45-year

age  cohort  in  late  2022.  In  the  second  quarter,  however,  there  was  a  significant  step  down  in

shipments  from  our  distributor  and  commercialization  partner,  Zhifei,  into  the  points  of  vaccination

compared with prior quarters, resulting in above-normal inventory levels at Zhifei.

We are working closely with them to more fully understand the dynamics that caused this change.

As we learn more, we will assess future shipments to our partner and work to bring their inventory

back to more normal levels. If shipments from Zhifei into the points of vaccination do not increase, it

is likely that we will ship less than our full-year 2024 contracted doses by the end of this year. We

believe the opportunity in China remains very attractive as there are more than 120 million females

in the addressable population living in Tier 1 to Tier 5 cities who have not yet received the protection

of an HPV vaccine.

As we said before, it will take increasing efforts to educate and activate the next wave of patients.

Together  with  Zhifei,  we  are  focused  on  and  committed  to  investing  in  additional  resources  and

patient  education  on  the  value  of  Gardasil  given  the  important  benefit  it  provides.  We  also  look

forward to the potential approval for males, which we believe represents a meaningful opportunity.

More broadly, we remain confident in the opportunity for Gardasil globally based on the protection it

provides against HPV-related cancers and low immunization levels overall, and continue to believe

we will achieve sales of over $11 billion by 2030.

Our initial launch of Winrevair is having a positive impact for patients. We are very pleased with its

performance and look forward to supporting more patients in the U.S. and across the globe. Outside

the U.S., we are pleased with the positive CHMP opinion and potential near-term launch in Europe.

Following  EU  approval,  we  will  need  to  obtain  reimbursement  which  should  occur  in  2025  in  most

major  markets,  but  expect  that  Germany  will  receive  reimbursement  and  launch  this  year.  We

remain  confident  in  the  successful  launch  of  Winrevair  consistent  with  our  high  expectations  and

look forward to providing further updates on our progress. Now turning to capital allocation, where

our  strategy  remains  unchanged.  We  will  prioritize  investments  in  our  business  to  drive  near-  and

long-term growth.

We  will  continue  to  invest  in  our  expansive  pipeline  of  novel  candidates,  each  of  which  have

significant  potential  to  address  important  unmet  medical  needs.  We  remain  committed  to  our

dividend  and  plan  to  increase  it  over  time.  Business  development  remains  a  priority,  and  we  are

well-positioned  to  pursue  additional  science-driven  value-enhancing  transactions.  We  will  continue

to execute a modest level of share repurchases.

To  conclude,  as  we  enter  the  second  half  of  the  year,  there  is  continued  strength  in  our  business

driven by global demand and commercial execution. We remain confident in our outlook driven by

our  unwavering  commitment  to  leverage  leading-edge  science  to  save  and  improve  the  lives  of

patients with investment in innovation and our ongoing focus on execution we are well-positioned to

deliver value to patients, customers and shareholders now and well into the future. With that, I'd now

like to turn the call over to Dean.

Dean Y. Li -- Executive Vice President, President of Merck Research Laboratories

Thank you, Caroline. Momentum continued in the second quarter with several clinical and regulatory

milestones  as  well  as  progress  in  our  science-led  business  development  strategy.  Today,  I  will

speak first to programs in vaccines, then cover oncology, followed by cardiometabolic disease. As

Rob  noted,  last  month,  the  FDA  approved  Capvaxive,  our  21-valent  pneumococcal  conjugate

vaccine,  and  we  subsequently  received  a  unanimous  recommendation  from  the  CDC's  Advisory

Committee of Immunization Practices for its use in certain adult population.

Capvaxive  is  the  first  vaccine  specifically  designed  to  help  protect  adults  against  pneumococcal

pneumonia  and  invasive  pneumococcal  disease  and,  as  such,  provides  an  important  new  public

health option. It has been designed to address those serotypes responsible for approximately 85%

of the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease in individual 65 years and older based on CDC

generated surveillance data. The Capvaxive marketing authorization application is also under review

by  the  European  Medicines  Agency's  Committee  for  Medicinal  Products  for  Human  Use.  We

continue to evaluate novel approaches to alleviate the burden of infectious disease.

Recently,  we  announced  positive  top-line  results  for  clesrovimab,  our  investigational  respiratory

syncytial  virus  preventative  antibody,  a  single  fixed  dose  option  to  help  protect  infants  from  birth

through their first full RSV season. In the phase 2b/3 trial, clesrovimab met its primary efficacy and

safety  endpoints  as  well  as  a  secondary  endpoint  regarding  RSV-associated  hospitalization.

Detailed findings of this study will be presented at an upcoming scientific congress, and we plan to

file  these  data  with  global  regulatory  authorities.  Globally,  RSV  infection  is  a  leading  cause  of

hospitalization for otherwise healthy infants under one year of age.

The  historically  high  surge  and  incidence  in  the  2022,  2023  season  reinforced  the  need  for  more

effective preventative measures. Now to oncology. During the investor event at ASCO, we detailed

how  we  have  leveraged  our  foundational  position  with  Keytruda  to  create  a  diverse  pipeline  by

executing on our three-pillar strategy comprised of immuno-oncology, precision molecular targeting,

and  tissue  targeting  candidates.  This  quarter,  tangible  progress  has  been  made  across  each  of

these pillars.

In immuno-oncology, we received FDA approval for the combination of Keytruda and chemotherapy

for the treatment of primary advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer regardless of mismatch repair

status  based  on  the  phase  3  KEYNOTE  868  study.  Data  continues  to  flow  from  Keytruda  clinical

development program, including from studies, which achieved an overall survival benefit. The gold

standard for many oncology trials. We announced an overall survival benefit in high-risk early stage

triple-negative  breast  cancer  based  on  the  KEYNOTE-522  study,  Keytruda  is  the  only  PD-1  or

PD-L1  to  date  to  receive  approval  for  nine  earlier-stage  indications,  of  which  four  have  now

demonstrated  a  statistically  significant  overall  survival  benefit,  including  in  non-small  cell  lung

cancer, renal cell carcinoma, cervical cancer and most recently, triple-negative breast cancer.

We were pleased to announce that KEYNOTE-811 met its overall survival, dual primary endpoint for

the first-line treatment of patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction

adenocarcinoma. These results built on the previously reported positive data that formed the basis

for the FDA approval last year. A similar approval was received from the National Medical Products

Administration  in  China  this  quarter.  Also  in  immuno-oncology,  the  FDA  granted  priority  review  for

Keytruda  in  combination  with  chemotherapy  for  the  first-line  treatment  and  patients  with

unresectable advanced or metastatic malignant pleural mesothelioma based on the overall survival

benefit demonstrated in the KEYNOTE-483 trial.

The FDA has set a target action date of September 25. Keytruda has now received approval for 40

distinct  indications  in  the  U.S.  and  has  demonstrated  statistically  significant  overall  survival  in  25

trials. Next to precision molecular targeting.

We  exercised  the  exclusive  development  option  to  advance  the  program  for  opevesostat,  an  oral

nonsteroidal  inhibitor  of  CYP11A1  through  our  collaboration  with  Orion.  Two  pivotal  phase  3  trials

evaluating  opevesostat  in  combination  with  hormone  replacement  therapy,  for  the  treatment  of

certain patients with metastatic prostate cancer, Omaha-1 and Omaha-2, are ongoing. Lastly, in the

tissue  targeting  space,  the  European  Medicine  Agency's  Committee  for  Medicinal  Products  for

Human  Use  adopted  a  positive  opinion  recommending  approval  of  Keytruda  in  combination  with

passive  for  the  first-line  treatment  of  adult  patients  with  unresectable  or  metastatic  urothelial

carcinoma.  We  are  also  advancing  a  broad  portfolio  of  diverse  antibody-drug  conjugates  with

Kelun-Biotech and Daiichi Sankyo as well as our own internal program.

Last  month,  together  with  Daiichi  Sankyo,  we  announced  receipt  of  a  Complete  Response  Letter

from  the  FDA  for  the  Biologics  License  Application  of  patritumab  deruxtecan,  for  the  treatment  of

certain adult patients with locally advanced or metastatic EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer,

previously  treated  with  two  or  more  systemic  therapies.  The  letter  was  issued  based  on  findings

from  an  inspection  of  a  third-party  manufacturing  site.  We  are  working  with  Daiichi  Sankyo  to

provide  appropriate  support  as  they  work  with  the  FDA  and  the  manufacturer  to  address  the

feedback in a timely manner. Of note, the findings identified in the CRL have no bearing on either

ifnatamab deruxtecan nor raludotatug deruxtecan.

Turning  to  cardiometabolic  disease.  As  Caroline  indicated,  there  is  strong  interest  from  physicians

and  patients  for  Winrevair  in  the  U.S.  Building  on  this  momentum,  we  were  pleased  to  receive  a

positive opinion from the European Medicine Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human

Use,  recommending  the  approval  of  Winrevair  as  a  treatment  option  for  certain  patients  with

pulmonary  arterial  hypertension.  The  European  Commission's  decision  on 

the  marketing

authorization application is expected in the third quarter.

Finally, we continue to execute on our science-led business development strategy with a focus on

seamlessly integrating efforts across our internal pipeline with the best external science through our

One  pipeline  approach.  We  recently  closed  the  acquisition  of  EyeBio  that  includes  Restoret,

MK-3000, an investigational late phase, potentially first-in-class tetravalent tri-specific Wnt antibody

candidate for diabetic macular edema and neovascular age-related macular degeneration as well as

additional  preclinical  acids  targeting  retina  diseases.  There  remains  a  significant  medical  need  in

this space and our teams are eager to work alongside the talented EyeBio team to advance these

promising candidates. In closing, over the past three-plus years, we have successfully built on the

solid  foundation  established  by  the  previous  leadership  team  to  assemble  one  of  the  strongest

pipelines in recent memory.

We  have  diversified  in  oncology  while  strengthening  and  expanding  in  other  therapeutic  areas,

including  cardiometabolic,  immunology,  infectious  disease,  neuroscience,  and  vaccine.  We  have

strong momentum and I look forward to providing further updates on our progress. And now I turn

the call back to Peter.

Peter Dannenbaum -- Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Thank you, Dean. Brad. We're ready for Q&A now. [Operator instructions] Thank you.


Questions & Answers:
