JETBLUE-AIRWAYS Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


George, our president; and Ursula Hurley, our chief financial officer. During today's call, we'll make

forward-looking statements within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities

Litigation  Reform  Act  of  1995.  Such  forward-looking  statements  include,  without  limitation,

statements regarding our third quarter and full year 2024 financial outlook and our future results of

operations  and  financial  position,  including  long-term  financial  targets,  industry  and  market  trends,

expectations with respect to tailwinds and headwinds, our ability to achieve operational and financial

targets, our strategy, plans for future operations and associated impacts on our business.

All  such  forward-looking  statements  are  subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties,  and  actual  results  may

differ  materially  from  those  expressed  or  revised  in  these  statements.  Please  refer  to  our  most

recent  earnings  release  as  well  as  our  fiscal  year  2023  10-K  and  other  filings  for  a  more  detailed

discussion  of  risks  and  uncertainties  that  could  cause  the  actual  results  to  differ  materially  from

those contained in our forward-looking statements. The statements made during this call are made

only as of the date of the call. And other than as may be required by law, we undertake no obligation

to update the information.

Investors  should  not  place  undue  reliance  on  these  forward-looking  statements.  Also  during  the

course  of  our  call,  we  may  discuss  certain  non-GAAP  financial  measures.  For  an  explanation  of

these non-GAAP measures and a reconciliation of corresponding GAAP measures, please refer to

our earnings release, a copy of which is available at our website and on And now I'd like to

turn the call over to Joanna Geraghty, JetBlue's CEO. 

Joanna Geraghty -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank  you,  Koosh.  Good  morning,  everyone,  and  thanks  for  joining  our  second  quarter  2024

earnings call.


Please  standby.  We  are  experiencing  a  technical  difficulty.  Once  again,  we  ask  that  you  please

stand by. [Technical difficulty]

Joanna Geraghty -- Chief Executive Officer

Good morning. So some technical difficulties. Apparently, our cost pillar is in full swing. We've only

paid the phone bill for one of our conference rooms in the office.

So  I  will  start  over.  Good  morning,  everyone,  and  thank  you  for  joining  our  second  quarter  2024

earnings call. I'm happy to report that we generated adjusted $34 million of pre-tax income for the

second quarter. This performance would not be possible without our 23,000 crew members, and I

would like to thank them for delivering a safe and reliable operation and for living our JetBlue values

every day.

Turning to Slide 4 for a few remarks on our second quarter performance. Our team has been hard at

work  ensuring  we  deliver  the  best  experience  from  our  customers  over  the  busy  summer  travel

season. As part of our refocused long-term strategy, which I will touch on later in my remarks, we've

made  significant  investments  to  improve  our  reliability  and  deliver  more  of  our  customers  to  their

destinations  on  time  despite  summer  challenges  from  weather  and  persistent  air  traffic  control

staffing issues. Though we still have room to improve, we are off to a solid start.

And for the first six months of the year, we have exceeded our 2023 performance for key operational

metrics.  This  improvement  helped  us  beat  or  exceed  our  second  quarter  guidance  ranges.  In

addition  to  reliability,  our  second  quarter  performance  was  aided  by  continued  strength  in  our

premium product offerings with even more space unit revenue, up double digits year over year. We

are  also  pleased  with  the  progress  of  our  $300  million,  realized  approximately  $140  million  of

top-line benefit in the first half of this year.

We also delivered strong progress from our cost savings programs in the second quarter, while fuel

prices continued to moderate and as a result, we were able to keep costs low in order to generate a

positive pre-tax profit for the quarter. Moving to Slides 5 through 7. As I mentioned last quarter, even

as  we  were  implementing  these  near-term  performance  improvement  initiatives,  our  full  new

leadership team coalesce around refining our long-term strategy. And we are now pleased to share

additional details with you with more announcements still to come in the second half of the year.

Our plan is rooted in a thorough analysis of the near and longer-term competitive landscape as well

as extensive customer research. As a result, we feel confident in our refocused strategy, which we

are  calling  JetForward  and  are  confident  it's  the  right  framework  to  position  JetBlue  for  success.

JetForward at its core is a back to basic strategy to be loved and to be profitable again in order to

deliver value to our customers, our crew members and our owners. This framework is designed to

enhance our inherent strengths and effectively overcome the current challenges of our business and


Our  challenges  are  clear,  the  Pratt  &  Whitney  engine-related  aircraft  groundings,  which  are

significantly  impeding  our  growth  rate  and  pressuring  our  profitability  as  well  as  industrywide  cost

inflation and persistent air traffic control issues, all of which are headwinds we are working hard to

overcome.  At  the  end  of  the  day,  our  revenue  growth  has  not  been  enough  to  outpace  our  cost

challenges and we need to fix that, which is why the goal of our strategy is set a foundation to lead

us  back  to  generating  positive  operating  margin  in  the  near  term  and  driving  sustainable  earnings

over the long term. We believe achieving these targets and executing on our strategy will be rooted

in enhancing our strengths and focusing on what we can control. We have high-value geographies,

a unique culture with a trusted brand, a low cost structure and a differentiated product and service

that  has  set  JetBlue  apart  from  its  peers,  all  of  which  we  believe  can  be  enhanced  to  drive  even

more value and delivering that value is our ultimate goal.

Turning to Slide 8. We expect JetForward to deliver an incremental $800 million to $900 million of

EBIT  contribution  in  2027  versus  year-end  2024,  helping  to  guide  our  path  back  to  sustained

profitability.  We  expect  to  realize  this  benefit  evenly  over  2025  to  2027,  with  incremental  upside

beyond 2027 as several underlying initiatives ramp to their full potential. The $800 million to $900

million  of  EBIT  contribution  in  2027  is  in  addition  to  the  $300  million  of  revenue  initiatives  we've

already announced for 2024.

We  plan  to  turbocharge  our  strengths  with  four  priority  moves,  which  you  can  see  on  Slide  9,  all

designed  to  drive  our  path  forward.  They  are:  number  one,  delivering  reliable  and  caring  service;

number two, building the best East Coast leisure network; number three, offering products and perks

that  customers  value;  and  number  four,  a  secure  financial  future,  enabled  by  maintaining  our  cost

advantage and restoring our balance sheet. These four moves may sound familiar, given we began

actioning on them back in the first quarter. And we've already seen encouraging results from several

underlying initiatives in the first half of the year.

In particular, our investments to deliver reliable service are showing early indications of driving value

across  the  airline.  Operational  reliability  is  essential  to  the  success  of  our  strategy,  and  it's  a  top

priority  for  our  customers.  We've  lagged  our  peers  in  on-time  performance,  partially  driven  by  our

high concentration of flying in some of the most crowded air spaces in the world and our outsized

exposure to air traffic control issues. While we are always working to improve on-time performance

and  recognizing  the  reality  of  our  particular  airspace,  we  are  aiming  to  significantly  improve  our

relative ranking in the coming years.

This will be a multiyear initiative with many phases of investment, and we've already begun taking

action  on  optimizing  the  operability  of  our  fleet,  delivering  a  reliable  product  and  service  and

providing a consistent customer experience. Initiatives we rolled out this year include adding more

scheduled  time  for  maintenance,  scheduling  greater  buffers  for  VFR  flights  and  introducing  new

tools  such  as  automated  turn  tracking  and  enhanced  customer-facing  self-service  and  disruption

management tools. We expect that over time, these investments will improve customer satisfaction

and save on costs, helping to contribute about $100 million of incremental EBIT in 2027. Next, we

are refocusing our network to build the best East Coast leisure network.

Our network sits in some of the most valuable geographies in the world. We have a leading position

in three of the five largest markets on the East Coast, including New York City, which is the highest

GDP-producing  metro  area  in  the  United  States.  We've  already  taken  significant  action  in  the  first

half of the year to refocus our network around our core strengths in these geographies: leisure, VFR

and  transcon,  especially  along  the  East  Coast  and  in  Puerto  Rico,  where  JetBlue  is  a  household

name for many customers. As we've emphasized, our actions are guided by our focus on profitability

and  we  expect  these  changes  will  drive  close  to  $175  million  of  incremental  EBIT  contribution  in


Marty will provide more specifics on our actions. JetBlue has a long history as a beloved brand in

our  core  geographies.  Our  attractive  value  proposition,  offering  an  affordable,  yet  differentiated

experience is well known by customers. We recognize that to be profitable and loved, we need to

meet  the  evolving  preferences  of  our  customers,  including  an  increased  desire  for  premium


Our strategy is more focused than ever on offering customers the products and the perks they value

today. We believe that delivering on that brand promise will also enable us to ensure our customers

feel rewarded for their loyalty. This, in turn, would help us specifically expand our share of premium

customers.  Customers  who  want  a  higher  quality  experience  but  may  feel  forgotten  by  our


In  addition  to  the  product  changes  we've  already  implemented  this  year,  including  adding  new

loyalty partners and products and enhancing our Blue Basic offering, we plan to announce additional

exciting  improvements  to  our  product  later  this  year.  So  stay  tuned.  While  the  financial  benefits  of

our  product  changes  will  take  time  to  realize,  we  expect  them  to  contribute  over  $400  million  of

incremental EBIT benefit in 2027, with additional upside into the remainder of the decade. Finally,

touching on our last priority move, a secure financial future.

While  we  believe  this  will  be  an  output  of  our  efforts,  we  must  also  better  manage  what  is  in  our

control and this starts with maintaining our cost advantage. It is imperative we keep our costs low,

so we can continue offering customers the most value when they fly. However, our Pratt & Whitney

GTF engines continue to challenge our ability to plan our business over the long term. And we now

expect aircraft on the ground to significantly increase in 2025.

Ursula  will  provide  more  detail  on  this.  In  order  to  be  profitable  in  this  uncertain  environment,  we

must transform our cost base in an aggressive manner, similar to the approach we've taken with our

network  changes.  We'll  be  biased  toward  action  in  making  bold  decisions  required  to  get  our

business back to profitability. And through investments in data science and staffing optimization, we

expect cost savings will contribute about $175 million worth of incremental EBIT through 2027.

Restoring  our  balance  sheet  health  is  also  critical  to  a  secure  financial  future  and  returning  to

profitable  growth.  We  simply  cannot  continue  to  invest  in  capital-intensive  assets  that  must  be

financed upon delivery and that are subsequently unable to produce a return because they have to

be parked due to required maintenance and lengthy wait times. With that in mind, we've come to an

agreement with Airbus to defer 44 A321neo aircraft, which are the fleet most impacted by the Pratt

& Whitney GTF issues. This will reduce our upcoming capital expenditures by $3 billion, helping us

to improve our free cash flow outlook and restore our balance sheet health.

While many parts of our business will be evolving with JetForward, maintaining our unique culture is

core  to  its  success.  In  the  second  quarter,  we  checked  in  with  our  entire  organization  through  a

pulse survey, which showed a number of improvements that indicate crew members are optimistic

about  our  refreshed  strategy.  Our  people  are  critical  to  the  execution  of  our  strategy,  and  we  will

continue  investing  in  them  to  ensure  our  success.  As  we  navigate  through  the  remainder  of  2024

and  beyond,  you  can  expect  a  number  of  additional  announcements  that  will  help  fill  in  the

remaining gaps in our strategy, and we will regularly share updates on the progress toward our $800

million to $900 million EBIT target.

With that, over to Marty to provide more detail on our commercial progress.

Martin J. St. George -- President

Thank  you,  Joanna.  I  would  like  to  extend  the  thanks  to  our  crew  members  for  their  service  and

dedication  at  JetBlue.  The  amount  of  change  we've  implemented  in  my  first  six  months  has  been

significant. And I appreciate crew members for supporting our rollout of JetForward.

At the beginning of this year, we announced a package of initiatives that we expected to drive $300

million of incremental revenue in 2024. We are pleased with the progress of those initiatives thus far

and  remain  on  track  to  achieve  the  $300  million  this  year.  These  initiatives  captured  an  additional

$100  million  of  revenue  in  the  second  quarter  and  have  now  generated  a  total  of  $140  million  of

top-line  benefit  in  the  first  half  of  2024.  With  JetForward,  we  will  continue  this  high  rate  of  activity

and progress through 2027 and beyond.

While the JetForward priority moves included -- include the 2024 revenue initiatives, the $100 million

to  $900  million  in  EBIT,  we  expect  JetForward  to  generate  in  2025  through  2027.  It's  entirely

incremental to the $300 million we announced earlier this year. Refocusing our network is one of the

key  priority  moves  of  Jet  Forward.  And  as  Joanna  mentioned,  we've  made  significant  network

changes this year and support of building the best East Coast leisure network, which we expect will

drive about $175 million of incremental EBIT uplift between 2025 and 2027.

So far in 2024, we've announced four tranches of network changes, collectively driving 15 Blue City

closures and over 50 route closures and redeploys. Every route end station needs to earn its way

into our network and our push for profitability has lessened our patients for underperforming routes.

Our  focus  now  is  squarely  on  what  we  call  our  core  franchises.  These  have  long  been  the  profit

engine  for  JetBlue:  Leisure,  VFR  and  transcon  routes,  two  from  our  core  East  Coast  geographies

that  know  and  love  JetBlue,  like  New  York,  New  England,  Florida  and  Puerto  Rico  and  the


Our  value  proposition  resonates  well  with  customers  in  these  geographies,  given  our  long  history

serving those areas and deep entrenchment on the East Coast. Many of the changes we made to

our network are driven by the stronger recovery and quicker ramp of leisure travel. As a result, and

specifically in New York, we've shifted capacity out of corporate-focused routes and into leisure and

VFR routes. In New England, we remain committed to being the number one value carrier serving

leisure and business customers alike and continuing to grow our presence across the region.

Across  our  other  core  geographies,  such  as  Florida  and  the  Caribbean,  our  strategy  remains  the

same. We'll continue to invest in high-value leisure destinations and expand our product offering to

ensure our customer value proposition remains attractive to the full spectrum of leisure customers.

For  example,  we  recently  announced  adding  a  complementary  carry-on  bag  to  our  Blue  Basic

offering  for  travel  beginning  September  6.  Our  change  to  Blue  Basic  have  allowed  us  to  remain


And  since  launching  about  a  month  ago,  we've  seen  promising  early  results.  Not  only  is  this  a

meaningful  addition  to  the  value  proposition  of  our  most  affordable  fare  option,  we  believe  it's  a

necessary  step  on  our  path  to  profitability.  Stay  tuned  in  2024  for  additional  announcements  on

JetForward's plan to offer more products and perks at our customers value, including enhancements

to our premium offerings. Shifting to our second quarter performance on Slide 11.

Second  quarter  capacity  finished  down  2.7%,  higher  than  the  midpoint  of  our  revised  guidance  of

down 3%. Completion factor was 98.8% for the quarter, one full point better than 2023, driven by our

investments  in  reliability  and  better  managing  weather-related  disruptions.  Revenue  was  down

6.9%,  beating  the  midpoint  of  our  revised  guidance  by  about  one  point.  This  was  supported  by

strength in our premium offerings with even more space RASM continue to grow double digits and

net unit revenue growth, up low single digits on about 30% more capacity.

We  saw  troughs  performing  slightly  better  than  expectations  with  peaks  in  line  and  in  month

bookings  improving  over  the  course  of  the  quarter.  Unit  revenues  remain  challenged  in  our  Latin

leisure  markets,  where  industry  supply  increases  continue  to  weigh  in  performance.  However,  as

you  look  to  the  third  quarter,  we  are  optimistic  about  the  capacity  evolution  we  have  seen  take

shape  since  the  start  of  the  year.  As  competitive  capacity  in  our  overlap  markets  has  come  down

modestly and is now two points lower than the second quarter.

As we predicted, it's still elevated compared to demand growth, but it is coming more into balance.

We  are  also  taking  self-help  measures  and  reducing  trough  capacity  to  better  match  supply  and

demand.  As  we've  optimized  our  network  to  focus  more  on  our  core  leisure  geographies,  our

exposure to leisure travel has increased, prompting us to adjust capacity to a seasonality curve with

more  pronounced  peaks  and  troughs  than  we've  historically  flown.  Accordingly,  we've  reduced

trough flying throughout the second half of 2024, but most significantly in September, where we are

scheduled to fly about 10% fewer ASMs year over year.

We  are  also  reducing  aircraft  utilization  during  peak  months  as  part  of  our  efforts  to  improve

reliability. As a result of these efforts, we expect third quarter capacity to be down 6% to down 3%

year  over  year.  Our  capacity  contraction  provides  a  constructive  backdrop  for  unit  revenue  to

improve year over year. And we forecast year-over-year revenue growth to be down 5.5% to down

1.5% in the third quarter.

At  the  midpoint  of  our  ranges,  we  are  expecting  positive  year-over-year  RASM  and  healthy

sequential  improvement.  We  expect  our  unit  revenue  trajectory  will  be  supported  by  competitive

capacity  improvements  in  our  Latin  leisure  markets,  the  continued  ramp  of  our  revenue  initiatives

and the lapping of the wind down of the Northeast Alliance in the third quarter of 2023. For the full

year,  we  expect  revenue  growth  to  be  down  6%  to  down  4%  on  5%  to  2.5%  less  capacity.  In

closing,  with  JetForward,  we  built  a  solid  strategic  framework  that  we  are  focused  on  and  excited


And though we see initial improvements to our business as a result of the strategy, there is still work

to  do  to  deliver  on  our  multiyear  targets,  including  ensuring  our  crew  members  understand  how

pivotal  they  are  to  its  success.  Our  product  is  not  truly  differentiated  without  the  incredible  service

they provide our customers. And I want to thank them again for their service to JetBlue, especially

as they support JetForward's path to profitability. With that, over to you, Ursula.

Ursula Hurley -- Chief Financial Officer

Thank  you,  Marty,  and  thanks  again  to  our  members  for  helping  to  deliver  a  profitable  second

quarter.  We  delivered  on  our  targets  this  quarter  with  revenue  beating  the  midpoint  of  our  original

and revised guidance ranges and CASM ex outperforming the low end of our revised range, which

was  half  a  point  better  than  our  original  guidance.  While  we  generated  $34  million  of  adjusted

pre-tax  profit  for  the  quarter,  it  won't  be  enough  to  offset  projected  losses  generated  in  the  other

three  quarters,  and  we  remain  steadfast  in  our  urgency  to  return  to  full  year  profitability.  With

JetForward,  we  are  setting  our  financial  priorities  for  the  coming  years  with  the  goal  to  restore

profitability as soon as possible.

A  secure  financial  future,  one  of  our  four  priority  moves  is  underpinned  by  sustaining  our  cost

advantage, driving operating margin improvement, restoring our balance sheet health and practicing

capital discipline so we can generate positive free cash flow. We are taking steps to achieve each of

these priorities and meeting our $800 million to $900 million EBIT target will be key to our strategy's

success  and  overcoming  our  challenges.  Before  I  get  into  the  details  from  the  quarter,  I  want  to

provide an update on the status of our Pratt & Whitney GTF engines. We take full responsibility for

addressing  and  overcoming  challenges  within  our  control,  and  we  recognize  the  need  to  address

and plan for even those outside of our control like weather and ATC staffing.

The magnitude and multitude of availability challenges we are experiencing with the GTF engine are

something  we  are  working  hard  to  mitigate.  But  they  continue  to  have  a  significant  impact  on  our

business  and  on  our  long-term  planning  ability.  In  addition  to  powder  metal-related  inspections,

challenging  our  engine  availability,  we've  experienced  a  number  of  other  unscheduled  engine

maintenance visits that are resulting in GTF engines coming off wing much sooner than anticipated,

some after just a year of flying. In fact, a majority of the 11 average aircraft grounded this year are

due to inspections outside of powder metal.

Based  on  the  latest  numbers  provided  by  Pratt  &  Whitney,  we  are  now  expecting  the  average

number of grounded aircraft in 2025 to be in the mid- to high teens with greater uncertainty in 2026

and beyond. This will drive roughly flat year-over-year capacity in 2025. In order to reach flat growth,

we'll need to continue investing to extend the lives of our A320 fleet. While it comes at a cost to buy

out leases and extend the lives of aircraft, the return profile is more attractive than investing in new


At this stage, we simply can't afford to continue taking delivery of costly new aircraft that may need

to be parked due to engine availability issues, especially if we must raise financing to support these

deliveries. Our focus going forward will be on driving greater returns from our existing asset base so

we can improve our free cash flow outlook. As a result, we've come to an agreement with Airbus to

defer 44 A321neo aircraft from our current order book to 2030 and beyond. Reducing our 2025 to

2029  planned  capital  expenditures  by  approximately  $3  billion  and  reducing  Airbus  aircraft

commitments over the next five years from $5.3 billion to approximately $2.3 billion.

This,  along  with  the  capital-light  extension  of  approximately  30  A320s  and  allows  us  to  efficiently

reduce our capital expenditures and get us closer to our free cash flow goals. Turning to the second

quarter  cost  performance  on  Slide  13.  Our  investments  in  reliability  resulted  in  solid  operational

performance,  allowing  us  to  complete  more  flights  than  planned  and  helping  to  spread  our  fixed

costs  over  more  capacity.  Second  quarter  CASM  ex-fuel  grew  3.7%  year  over  year,  beating  our

revised guidance midpoint by more than two points, driven by one point of incremental cost savings

from  our  structural  cost  program,  one  point  from  completion  of  additional  flights  and  operational

efficiencies and a timing shift of expenses to the second half of the year.

Our current cost savings programs are on track to hit our previously communicated targets of $175

million to $200 million for our structural cost program and $100 million of cost avoidance from our

fleet modernization program. Our structural cost program realized an additional $45 million of benefit

this quarter, resulting in cumulative realized benefits of $145 million. When this program hit full run

rate expected at the end of this year, we'll transition our focus to a cost transformation program as

part  of  Jet  Forward,  which  I  will  touch  on  shortly.  Through  our  fleet  modernization  program,  we've

avoided $83 million of costs to date due to continued optimization of engine maintenance.

This  program  will  continue  until  our  E190s  are  fully  retired  in  2025.  We  also  benefited  from  the

moderation  of  fuel  prices  over  the  quarter  as  we  saw  an  $0.18  decline  in  fuel  prices  between

mid-April and the end of the quarter. We remain opportunistic with our fuel hedging strategy and as

a  result,  we  have  entered  into  hedges  for  20%  of  our  volume  in  the  third  quarter  and  20%  in  the

fourth  quarter.  In  the  third  quarter,  we  expect  CASM  ex-fuel  to  grow  6%  to  8%,  primarily  resulting

from wage rate step-ups in our labor agreements impacting CASM ex-fuel by two points in each the

third and fourth quarter and a shift of expenses from the first half of the -- into the second half worth

an additional half a point of impact to each quarter.

Since we communicated our initial full year CASM ex-fuel guidance of mid- to high single digits in

January.  We've  faced  several  headwinds,  including  the  change  in  Pratt  &  Whitney  compensation

recognition, a reduction in scheduled trough capacity and unplanned investments in the extension of

our A320 fleet. All of which pressured our unit cost by two and a half points for the full year. Despite

these  challenges,  we've  solidly  executed  on  our  controllable  costs  and  we  expect  to  maintain  our

guidance of mid- to high single digits with CASM ex-fuel up 6.5% to 8.5%.

Now  turning  to  Slide  14.  As  we  implement  our  four  priority  moves,  we  believe  sustaining  our  cost

advantage, especially when faced with flat growth in 2025 is imperative to our success. It's important

we  make  transformational  changes  to  the  way  we  plan  our  business,  and  we're  taking  it  back  to

basics with our approach as we ask ourselves, how would we structure JetBlue today if we were just

starting  an  airline.  We  will  evaluate  all  cost  categories,  though  we  see  specific  opportunity  in  data

science-driven planning optimization and better aligning our business to peaks and troughs.

The  focus  of  our  structural  cost  program  has  evolved  over  the  years.  Our  2018  program  drove

savings  from  business  partner  contracts  while  our  current  program  focuses  on  enterprisewide

efficiencies. Jet Forwards cost transformation will focus on implementing next-generation technology

across the airline and we'll continue to build on the learnings from our past structural cost programs

to sustain our cost advantage and transform our cost structure. We forecast this transformation will

add about $175 million to EBIT in 2027 through cost savings, and we look forward to revealing more

of our long-term plan for cost over the next few quarters.

Transitioning now to fleet and our balance sheet. Slide 15 provides an update on our fleet plans. In

the second quarter, we took delivery of six aircraft, and we expect to take delivery of six aircraft in

the third quarter, driving $365 million of forecasted capex for the third quarter. For the full year, we

plan to take a total of 27 deliveries and expect full year capital expenditures to remain around $1.6


As  announced  this  quarter,  we  are  deferring  44  A321neos  into  2030  and  beyond  that  were

previously scheduled to be delivered between 2025 and 2029. We now expect to take 60 deliveries

during  that  time  frame,  down  from  104  previously  with  56  of  the  remaining  deliveries  being  A220.

We  continue  to  prioritize  reinvesting  in  our  current  asset  base  and  to  date,  have  successfully

extended the lives of 12 A320s of the 30 aircraft we have been evaluating. These aircraft will remain

in our fleet and provide capacity backfill, particularly in 2025 when we expect the remaining E90s will

officially leave the fleet and when Pratt & Whitney related availability challenges increase.

Moving  to  Slide  16,  we  ended  the  second  quarter  with  $1.6  billion  in  liquidity,  excluding  our  $600

million undrawn credit facility. Year to date, we have secured $1.3 billion in committed financing to

support  our  capital  expenditures.  We  continuously  seek  opportunities  to  strengthen  our  liquidity

position in order to fund our capex needs for the next 12 to 18 months, refinance our short-term debt

maturities, including addressing as quickly as possible our convertible notes that will become current

in April of 2025 and to generally provide us with additional liquidity and which will better position us

to execute our strategy discussed today. An example of our strength and liquidity is the amendment

and extension of our revolving credit facility, which will now mature in 2029.

In  addition,  we  may  opportunistically  execute  on  future  financing  transactions,  including  in  the

capital  and  syndicated  loan  markets,  which  may  be  structured  to  be  secured  by  a  portion  of  our

unencumbered assets, which are currently valued at approximately $11 billion. Our most significant

unencumbered  asset  is  our  customer  loyalty  program,  which  is  valued  at  about  half  of  our  current

unencumbered  asset  base.  Of  course,  any  future  financings  are  subject  to  market  conditions,  and

there is no guarantee we will be able to execute on them. Before I hand it back to Joanna to close

out the call, I would emphasize how focused we are on making year-over-year margin improvement

and getting back to positive operating margin again.

Through JetForward, we believe we have a clear and actionable strategy to deliver $800 million to

$900 million of incremental EBIT in 2027 and and a strong foundation off of which we can return to

our historical earnings power. Joanna, over to you.

Joanna Geraghty -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Ursula, and thank you all for joining us. I want to close by reiterating our commitment to

building value for our owners, starting with a return to profitability. I'd like to thank the team for all of

the  good  work  behind  the  JetForward  Plan.  We  have  been  and  are  taking  aggressive  action  on

every  front,  and  strongly  believe  that  the  focus  of  our  attention  has  to  be  on  the  execution  of


Given this and coupled with the longer-term planning uncertainties from the Pratt & Whitney engine

issues, we've decided to communicate more about our strategy now rather than hold an investor day

in the fall. Our team is fully committed to ongoing outreach and two-way communication with all of

you.  And  we  look  forward  to  continuing  to  discuss  our  plans  as  we  roll  out  additional  strategic

initiatives through the remainder of the year. With clarity on our path forward, we are energized and

moving forward with resolve and determination.

I'm incredibly confident in the outlook of our business as we turbocharge our strengths and execute

on  our  four  priority  moves  to  return  JetBlue  to  profitability  and  deliver  for  all  of  our  stakeholders.

Thank you. And with that, we will take your questions. 


Questions & Answers:
