IRON-MOUNTAIN Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


vice president and chief financial officer.

After  prepared  remarks,  we'll  open  up  the  lines  for  Q&A.  Today's  earnings  materials  contain

forward-looking  statements,  including  statements  regarding  our  expectations.  All  forward-looking

statements  are  subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties.  Please  refer  to  today's  earnings  materials,  the

safe  harbor  language  on  Slide  2  and  in  our  quarterly  report  on  Form  10-Q  for  a  discussion  of  the

major  risk  factors  that  could  cause  our  actual  results  to  differ  from  those  in  our  forward-looking


In  addition,  we  use  several  non-GAAP  measures  when  presenting  our  financial  results.  We  have

included  the  reconciliations  to  these  measures  in  our  supplemental  financial  information.  So  with

that, I'll turn the call over to Bill. 

William Leo Meaney -- President and Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Gillian, and thank you all for taking the time to join us today for discussion of our second

quarter  results.  As  you  saw  in  this  morning's  announcement,  this  quarter  delivered  another  record

financial  performance  and  exceeded  our  expectations.  Reflecting  on  these  results,  I  am  incredibly

proud of how our team consistently executes at a high level, putting our customers at the center of

everything we do. With our proven growth strategy, we are entering the back half of the year with

strong momentum.

We continue to see firsthand the power of Project Matterhorn from our commercial teams who are

successfully leveraging our full suite of products and solutions to help position Iron Mountain has an

ideal partner to our customers. This customer centricity continues to power our results forward for

both  customers  and  our  shareholders.  Building  on  our  track  record  of  value  creation  for  our

shareholders and our strong positive outlook, our board of directors has authorized an increase of

our quarterly dividend by 10% to $0.715, in line with our AFFO per share growth. I'll now turn to key

developments during the quarter and how we executed on our growth strategy, which is aligned to

our business segments.

As  a  reminder,  our  strategic  priorities  are  the  following:  driving  continued  revenue  growth  in  our

physical  storage  records  management  business,  providing  digitally  enabled  solutions  for  our

240,000 customers, which allows them to get true competitive advantage out of their physical and

digital information; delivering differentiated data center offerings and offering top-tier growth through

our global scale and customer trust; and advancing our asset life cycle management services, which

provides  security,  maximum  efficiency  and  an  environmentally  sound  life  cycle  management

approach for our customers' IT assets. To give you some examples of how we have recently applied

our  services  on  behalf  of  our  customers,  let's  begin  with  our  records  management  business.  The

first  win  I  wish  to  highlight  shows  how  our  scalable  solutions  can  solve  for  complex  regulatory

requirements and address changing customer needs. A European-based pharmaceutical company

came to us in need of a global record retention schedule as the company was struggling to manage

costs and meet regulatory requirements.

As part of our expanding partnership, we are providing a fully managed suite of solutions, including

policy  center  upkeep,  advisory  services  and  a  dedicated  help  desk  for  queries  in  a  scalable  and

flexible way that can seamlessly adapt over time as their needs evolve. Continuing with wins in our

records management business, I am particularly excited to discuss a couple of digital wins. The first

example  to  highlight  is  a  major  contract  signed  with  a  large  financial  institution.  The  foundation  of

this win was based upon multiple decades of a trusted relationship with the bank's understanding of

our truly differentiated approach to digitally managing and automating workflow.

As a result, they selected Iron Mountain to serve as its partner for a long-term transformation of its

management of digital and physical documents. On the bank's behalf, Iron Mountain is transforming

how it captures both digital and physical documents and their associated metadata across all lines

of  business,  including  nonbanking  internal  documents  like  finance  and  HR.  Our  unique  offering

revolutionizes  document  processing  services  for  both  physical  and  digital  documents.  We  have

achieved  this  by  employing  our  proprietary  leading-edge  AI-powered  intelligent  document

processing built into our InSight platform.

Continuing  with  our  digital  business  in  Australia,  we  have  secured  a  large  deal  with  one  of  the

country's  biggest  banks  to  provide  our  digital  mailroom  solution,  which  brings  together  our

operational  scale  and  digital  capabilities.  Iron  Mountain  has  been  a  trusted  records  management

partner  for  over  20  years  and  we  built  on  that  relationship  to  develop  a  comprehensive  service

offering that will see us manage their physical mail room sites across Australia and scan around 32

million  images  a  year  as  we  process  mortgage  documents,  checks,  vouchers  and  other  banking

documents. Our proven implementation methodology reassured the customer that we could execute

a seamless transition of services and the innovative technology we are deploying will help them to

realize significant efficiencies in the years ahead. Moving to our data center business.

Through  the  first  half  of  the  year,  we  leased  97  megawatts,  which  includes  66  megawatts  this

quarter. Due to our strong pipeline, we feel confident we will exceed our original projection and now

expect  to  lease  130  megawatts  for  the  year.  The  speed  of  leasing  in  the  first  half  of  the  year  is

thanks to the momentum that our team has built in our leasing pipeline. We are an attractive partner

to  customers  looking  for  infrastructure,  which  can  support  their  very  dense  IT  workloads  and

associated with their AI-enabled services.

Here are some examples of wins during the quarter from our U.S. and U.K. markets. At our Western

Pennsylvania location, we welcomed a new hyperscale customer with a seven-year contract.

Since signing the contract, the customer is already in discussions about potential expansion to some

of our other campuses. A good example of our continued and growing partnerships with some of the

largest hyperscalers, our recent wins this quarter with a single customer in both the U.S. and U.K.


This customer has placed a 10-year contract for us with us for almost 25 megawatts of capacity at

our London data center campus and a 15-year contract for 36 megawatts at our data center campus

in Phoenix, Arizona. Also at our Phoenix campus, we have won a 10-year colocation contract with

one of Japan's largest banks. We will be providing 800 kilowatts of capacity to support the complete

transformation  of  this  customer's  North  American  IT  platform.  Turning  to  our  asset  life  cycle

management business.

We  continue  to  see  established  Iron  Mountain  customers  seek  new  solutions  from  our

ever-expanding  portfolio.  A  perfect  example  of  this  is  how  we  expanded  the  relationship  with  an

insurance company that has been an Iron Mountain customer since the late 1950s. Having secured

a  small  ALM  project  with  them  last  year,  our  customers'  confidence  in  our  capabilities  and  our

delivery  record  has  led  them  to  make  us  their  sole  ALM  provider.  Finally,  I'd  like  to  share  a  last

example of a customer that has added our ALM services to the Iron Mountain solutions from which

they already benefit.

This  global  cloud-based  software  company  has  asked  us  to  manage  an  ALM  program  to  securely

destroy, remarket or recycle data center assets at more than 30 locations in North America, EMEA,

Latin  America  and  the  Asian  Pacific  regions.  Demonstrating  we  can  provide  a  full-service  global

ALM offering is no small task, but our skilled and dedicated teams successfully met the challenge.

We are now a proud ALM partner for this customer alongside the records management and digital

solutions  that  we  already  provide.  To  conclude,  we  have  thoughtfully  and  strategically  curated  a

mountain range of best-in-class solutions in an effective operating model under Project Matterhorn.

This quarter's successes are a brief testament to the value our strategy is already delivering and a

window into the future we are building at Iron Mountain. As we continue to expand our footprint of

storage and services and deliver tailored innovative solutions for each of our customers, I could not

be more grateful for the hard work of our Mountaineers. Our strategy and execution is showing the

way in delivering consistently strong revenue growth and the resulting financial model that delivers

top-tier  growth  in  both  our  AFFO  and  our  dividend.  We  have  an  energized  team  of  experienced

proven operators who are committed to excellence and that gives us great confidence in our future.

With that, I'll turn the call over to Barry.

Barry A. Hytinen -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Thanks, Bill, and thank you all for joining us to discuss our results. I'll begin by providing an overview

of our second quarter results and then go into more detail on each of our business segments before

turning to our outlook for the third quarter and the full year. In the second quarter, our team achieved

strong performance across all of our key financial metrics. We achieved record revenue of $1.534

billion, up 13% on a reported basis, driven by 11% storage growth and 17% service growth.

We delivered 10% organic revenue growth. Revenue was ahead of the expectations we shared on

our last call by more than $30 million. Total storage revenue was $920 million, up $89 million year

on  year.  Storage  growth  was  driven  by 

revenue  management  and  continued  strong

commencements in our data center business.

Total service revenue was $615 million, up $87 million from last year, driven by strength in our asset

life  cycle  management  and  Global  RIM  businesses.  Adjusted  EBITDA  was  $544  million,  a  new

record,  up  14%  year  on  year,  driven  by  strong  growth  in  Global  RIM  as  well  as  data  center  and

asset life cycle management. Adjusted EBITDA margin was 35.5%, up 50 basis points year on year,

which  reflects  improved  margins  across  our  business.  AFFO  was  $321  million  or  $1.08  on  a  per

share basis, up $34 million and $0.10 respectively, from the second quarter of last year.

This  represents  growth  of  12%  for  AFFO  and  10%  for  AFFO  per  share.  This  is  ahead  of  the

guidance  we  provided  for  the  second  quarter,  driven  by  higher  adjusted  EBITDA  as  well  as

lower-than-expected cash taxes, which is included in our guidance for the third quarter. The strength

of the U.S. dollar continued to be a headwind in the quarter.

On  a  constant  currency  basis,  revenue  was  up  14%  and  AFFO  was  up  13%.  Now  turning  to

segment  performance.  I'll  start  with  our  Global  RIM  business,  which  achieved  revenue  of  $1.25

billion, an increase of $91 million year on year with strong organic revenue growth of 7.9%. Revenue

management and positive volume trends drove organic storage rental growth of 7.7%.

Our  team  delivered  organic  service  revenue  up  8.3%.  Global  RIM  adjusted  EBITDA  was  $549

million,  an  increase  of  $50  million  year  on  year.  Global  RIM  adjusted  EBITDA  margin  was  up  40

basis points sequentially and 90 basis points from last year, driven by storage growth and continued

productivity across our operations. Turning to global data center.

The team delivered revenue of $153 million, an increase of $35 million year on year. From a total

revenue perspective, we achieved 24% organic growth. Organic storage rental revenue growth was

particularly strong at 27%, driven by commencements and improved pricing. GAAP mark-to-market

in the second quarter was 12.3% and was benefited by a single relatively large renewal.

We  continue  to  expect  mark-to-market  to  be  up  mid-to-high  single  digit  in  the  second  half.  Data

center adjusted EBITDA was $66 million, representing 23% growth. Turning to new and expansion

leasing,  we  signed  66  megawatts  in  the  quarter,  bringing  total  bookings  for  the  first  half  to  97

megawatts. As Bill mentioned, with our strong leasing and favorable outlook, we are increasing our

full year projection to 130 megawatts.

The data center market continues to develop rapidly. And with our strong and expanding hyperscale

relationships, our pipeline continues to grow. I am pleased to report that we have increased our land

bank by 57 megawatts. With those additions, our total data center capacity can now be built out to

918 megawatts over time with 347 megawatts held for development.

Turning  to  asset  life  cycle  management.  Total  ALM  revenue  in  the  quarter  was  $90  million,  an

increase of 111% year on year and 30% on an organic basis, driven by both improved volume and

pricing. ALM continues to be a key beneficiary of cross-selling with over 95% of our bookings this

quarter  happening  as  a  result  of  that  initiative.  The  team  at  Regency  Technologies  continues  to

deliver results ahead of our plan, with revenue of $35 million in the quarter.

We have seen our combination with Regency results in expanded client relationships and improved

profitability. Turning to capital allocation. We remain focused on a disciplined approach to fund our

growth  initiatives  and  drive  meaningful  shareholder  returns  while  maintaining  a  strong  balance

sheet. Capital expenditures in the second quarter were $399 million, with $362 million of growth and

$37 million of recurring.

Turning  to  the  balance  sheet.  With  strong  EBITDA  performance,  we  ended  the  quarter  with  net

lease adjusted leverage of 5.0 times, which is the lowest level we have achieved since prior to the

company's  REIT  conversion  in  2014.  Turning  to  our  dividend.  On  a  trailing  four-quarter  basis,  our

payout ratio is now 60%.

Consistent with our target payout range and reflecting our positive outlook, we have increased our

dividend  10%.  Now  turning  to  our  projections.  For  the  full  year,  we  now  expect  to  deliver  results

toward the high end of our guidance range on all metrics. For the third quarter, we expect revenue

of  approximately  $1.55  billion,  adjusted  EBITDA  of  approximately  $560  million,  AFFO  of

approximately $325 million, and AFFO per share of approximately $1.10.

In conclusion, our team delivered record results in the first half. We continue to perform ahead of our

long-term growth objectives and our outlook is strong. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of

our  Mountaineers  for  their  continued  efforts  to  deliver  on  behalf  of  our  customers.  And  with  that,

operator, would you please open the line for Q&A.


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