IMAX Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


Fernandes, our chief financial officer. Rob Lister, chief legal officer, is also joining us today. Today's

conference call is being webcast in its entirety on our website.

A replay of the webcast will be made available shortly after the call. In addition, the full text of our

earnings  press  release  and  the  slide  presentation  have  been  posted  on  the  investor  relations

section of our site. Our historical Excel model is posted to the website as well. I would like to remind

you of the following information regarding forward-looking statements.

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Today's  call,  as  well  as  the  accompanying  slide  deck,  may  include  statements  that  are

forward-looking and that pertain to future results or outcomes. These forward-looking statements are

subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties  that  could  cause  our  actual  future  results  to  not  occur  or

occurrences to differ. Please refer to our SEC filings for a more detailed discussion of some of the

factors  that  could  affect  our  future  results  and  outcomes.  Any  forward-looking  statements  that  we

make on this call are based on assumptions as of today and we undertake no obligation to update

these statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

During today's call, references may be made to certain non-GAAP financial measures. Discussion of

management's  use  of  these  measures  and  the  definition  of  these  measures,  as  well  as  the

reconciliation to non-GAAP financial measures are contained in this morning's press release and our

earnings materials, which are available on the investor relations page of our website at

With that, let me now turn the call over to Mr. Richard Gelfond.


Richard Lewis Gelfond -- Chief Executive Officer and Director

Thanks,  Jennifer  and  thanks,  everyone  for  joining  us  today.  IMAX  powers  awe-inspiring

experiences. We are a go-to end-to-end technology platform for the world's greatest filmmakers and

creators.  We  deliver  the  biggest  Hollywood  and  international  blockbusters,  original  documentaries

and immersive events at scale worldwide across 90 countries and territories.

These  attributes  have  been  on  full  display.  IMAX  delivered  one  of  the  best  years  in  its  history  in

2023. And while last year's Hollywood strikes dealt the entire entertainment ecosystem a temporary

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setback, it was just that temporary. Now, with the strikes and the lingering effects of the pandemic

firmly behind us, we are in the excellent position to fully realize the benefits of our strong asset light

business model.

We're  on  a  tear  in  network  growth  with  both  system  sales  activity  and  installations.  And  the  slate

through '25 and '26 looks as good as we've ever seen. As we predicted, we began to see this pivot

back  to  progress  during  the  second  quarter.  The  record  performance  of  Inside  Out  2  led  a

succession  of  recent  box  office  hits  demonstrating  that  supply,  not  demand,  depressed  the  global

grosses of the early summer.

The  third  quarter  is  off  to  a  strong  start.  Twisters  easily  beat  expectations  at  local  Chinese  title

successor open bid leading IMAX to a $21 million global weekend. Deadpool & Wolverine is set to

continue  the  trend  and  deliver  a  massive  opening  this  weekend.  IMAX  is  commanding  a  healthy

percentage  of  presales,  in  line  with  what  we  saw  for  the  big  debut  of  Doctor  Strange  2,  which

opened to $33 million in IMAX's global network.

And  the  fourth  quarter  looks  strong  with  buzz  building  for  Wiccan,  Gladiator  2  and  Joker  2,  which

was filmed without cameras and will receive a select run in IMAX film. Furthermore, we continue to

strengthen  our  strategic  position.  We  locked  a  landmark  deal  in  China  with  our  biggest  exhibition

partner  worldwide  Wanda  Film.  A  record  of  at  least  14  releases  in  25  are  being  filmed  with  IMAX


And  we  successfully  launched  our  original  documentary,  The  Blue  Angels,  further  diversifying  our

content portfolio. Several signs in our financial and operating performance demonstrate our growing

momentum.  Our  second  quarter  financial  performance  significantly  beat  consensus  estimates

across most key financial metrics. We expect to achieve year-over-year growth in installations.

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On this call, raising the floor of our guidance from 120 installs to 130 new or upgraded systems this

year  with  the  high-end  remaining  at  150.  Through  the  second  quarter,  we've  installed  39  IMAX

systems,  compared  to  29  over  the  same  period  in  2023.  We've  signed  agreements  for  99  newer

upgraded IMAX systems worldwide year-to-date compared to 84 over the same period of '23. And

cash from operations climbed to $35 million in the quarter, up significantly year over year from $5

million last year.

Consistently,  IMAX  has  navigated  periods  of  disruption  to  deliver  strong  results.  Yet,  we  know  it's

not about what we've done, it's about where we're headed. And we believe IMAX is entering a new

very  productive  era  with  clear  catalysts  for  growth  over  the  next  several  years.  This  is  a  very

promising moment for our business and our shareholders.

Today, I'd like to offer updates on our global network and then our content slate. Then, I'll hand it

over to Natasha before we take questions. On the global network, first, this positive pivot across our

business  extends  to  our  global  network,  where  both  sales  activity  and  installations  accelerated

during the second quarter. IMAX signed agreements with nine different exhibition partners including

four new clients covering priority markets including India, France, Southeast Asia and more recently

Saudi Arabia.

And  ongoing  conversations  with  existing  and  new  exhibition  partners  around  the  world  are  robust.

Our  deal  with  Wanda  Film  spanning  up  to  123  upgraded  new  and  renewed  IMAX  system  holds

significant strategic promise even beyond the 100 of millions at the box office that these locations

stand  to  generate  over  the  next  decade.  This  is  our  first  agreement  with  Wanda  since

Tencent-backed Ruyi Holdings acquired a controlling interest in the company last year and a strong

vote of confidence by its new management team. Many of the upgraded systems are in Tier 1 cities

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and among the top 40% of IMAX China locations.

The  deal  includes  collaboration  on  the  content  side.  We  see  powerful  potential  for  delivering

alternative content with Wanda Pictures and Tencent, especially when you factor in the interest of

Rui  and  Tencent,  the  latter  of  which  owns  a  significant  stake  in  Epic  Games  and  is  the  exclusive

streaming  partner  for  the  NBA  in  China.  We're  very  encouraged  by  the  upcoming  content  slate  in

China and we believe the market is on the cusp of a rebound. In the past two weeks, local hits have

reignited the box office including successor, our biggest local opening in the market since Chinese

New Year.

We  have  two  local  film  for  IMAX  releases  this  summer,  Decoded  and  The  Traveller.  And  early

indications  are  that  next  year's  Chinese  New  Year  holiday  will  offer  an  exceptionally  strong  slate

including a local film for IMAX title. Additionally, more Hollywood films are securing Chinese release

dates even edgier R-rated fare like Deadpool and Wolverine. And the region remains a fertile testing

ground for new events, experiences and technologies.

Last  month,  we  partnered  with  the  NBA  to  stream  the  NBA  finals  live  to  IMAX  locations  in  Hong

Kong  and  Taiwan.  The  event  sold  out  in  hours  and  73%  of  attendees  were  first-time  IMAX

consumers,  which  is  obviously  significant  for  the  way  we  see  the  network  growing.  We  can  see  a

role  for  IMAX  as  an  immersive  event  platform  for  North  American  sports  leagues  looking  to  grow

global  franchises.  We  also  announced  that  IMAX  Enhanced  will  be  featured  on  the  world's  first

Android-based spatial computer, which debuts in China in October.

It's  similar  to  what  Apple  did  with  Vision  Pro  in  the  U.S.  The  positive  pivot  in  our  business  is  also

very evident in the content pipeline with the film slate set to come roaring back over the next several

years. We have more film for IMAX titles than ever in 2025. Every IMAX release from May through

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September is filmed with IMAX cameras including Mission Impossible 8, Marvel's Fantastic Four and


Apple's  F1  starring  Brad  Pitt  from  Top  Gun:  Maverick  Director,  Joe  Kosinski  and  producer,  Jerry

Bruckheimer and Superman: Legacy. Our Film for IMAX program has become a key driver of sales

for  IMAX  systems  worldwide.  Film  for  IMAX  releases  like  Top  Gun:  Maverick,  Oppenheimer  and

Dune: Part Two prove that films shot with our cameras deserve to be experienced on IMAX screens.

Exhibitors  value  that  and  the  premium  ticket  prices  and  the  incremental  box  office  that  IMAX


Our  slate  is  almost  fully  committed  for  the  entire  year  in  2025.  2025  ends  with  Avatar  3  and  then

2026 kicks off with the carryover box office in January and it also includes installments of Avengers,

Star Wars, The Batman, Super Mario Brothers and Toy Story. Alongside our expanding portfolio of

local  language  documentaries  and  events  and  experiences,  we  continue  to  make  progress  in

opening  our  content  aperture  to  deliver  a  greater  diversity  of  experiences  for  our  audiences  and

drive capacity utilization for our global network. The Blue Angels was an excellent first outing for our

newly revamped original documentary strategy.

In its one week IMAX exclusive commercial release, the film scored the highest grossing theatrical

documentary opening year-to-date. It has earned more than $2.2 million in IMAX box office so far.

We sold the streaming rights to Amazon Prime Video, where it was the most watched original film on

Prime  of  any  kind  documentary  or  feature  in  its  first  weekend.  And  in  its  first  full  week,  it  was  the

third most watched original film on any streaming service per variety insight with 1.9 million views.

In  early  2025,  it  will  release  across  IMAX's  institutional  network.  The  sale  to  Amazon  drove

significant incremental revenue and we will continue to reap the benefits across its institutional run,

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where it could conceivably play for years. We have several more original doc-busters in our pipeline

including  the  upcoming  Stormbound  with  producer,  Adam  McKay,  which  will  capture  the  most

powerful hurricanes with IMAX cameras. We continue to build out a robust pipeline of music content

as well including an IMAX exclusive event from Donald Glover next year, our exclusive recent live

event for the Beach Boys documentary ahead of its debut on Disney+ and Queen Rock Montreal,

which continued to deliver with a one way bring back in Japan in May and its Chinese debut at the

Shanghai International Film Festival.

We're experimenting in additional verticals from recurring programming like our partnership with A24

to market activations including our multi-city launch event for Prime Video's hit Fallout. We held our

biggest  live  event  to-date  with  an  interactive  fan  event  for  Twisters  across  180  locations,  which

helped IMAX drive strong over 11% indexing on the film's domestic debut last week. And tomorrow,

we'll  host  a  special  presentation  of  the  Paris  2024  Olympics  Opening  Ceremony  with  Comcast,

Universal, NBC. To close, we believe we've reached a pivot point in the post-strike rebound.

Given  surging  demand  for  the  IMAX  experience  among  filmmakers,  studios  and  audiences

worldwide, we stand on the verge of an extremely exciting time for our business. Our global network

at  less  than  50%  estimated  penetration  worldwide  is  well-primed  to  grow  and  drive  even  more

attractive  scale  economies  for  our  business.  The  pipeline  of  blockbusters  over  the  next  several

years  is  truly  without  precedent  representing  incredible  filmmakers  and  the  most  valuable  IP  in

entertainment and will further diversify our content portfolio with awe-inspiring experiences to drive

greater  utilization  of  the  IMAX  network.  We  look  forward  to  continuing  to  deliver  results  in  our

business and for our shareholders.

Thank you, again. With that, I'll turn it over to Natasha.

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Natasha Fernandes -- Chief Financial Officer

Thanks, Rich and good morning, everyone. As Rich stated, it is clear our business is at a positive

inflection point with global box office, system sales and installations accelerating ahead of a strong

Hollywood  and  local  language  slate.  We  are  also  very  encouraged  by  the  growing  diversity  of  our

business  and  revenue  mix,  highlighted  by  contributions  from  new  and  emerging  revenue  streams

not tethered to studio product. Event and experiences The Blue Angels, Queen Rock Montreal and

The  Beach  Boys  further  diversify  our  business  while  driving  capacity  utilization  across  our  global


Our  Streaming  and  Consumer  Technology  business  also  adds  revenue  diversity  by  bringing  in

high-margin  licensing  and  software  revenue.  Given  the  incrementality  in  our  business  model,  we

believe  the  momentum  in  our  core  business,  coupled  with  the  growing  contribution  from  emerging

revenue  streams,  creates  a  potent  combination,  one  that  will  enable  us  to  drive  accelerating  and

sustainable  growth.  Turning  now  for  a  recap  of  our  Q2  results,  where  we  exceeded  consensus

expectations across most metrics. We delivered revenue of $89 million.

Within that, Content Solutions revenues of $35 million grew 12% year over year, driven by the sale

of  streaming  rights  of  the  Blue  Angels  documentary  to  Amazon  and  growth  in  alternative  content

that more than offset the lower strike impacted box office performance. We are very encouraged that

our  strategy  to  unlock  value  for  our  documentaries  in  our  commercial  network  and  unstreaming

platforms  is  bearing  early  fruit.  Turning  to  Technology  Products  and  Services,  system  installations

grew  20%  year  over  year,  and  this  quarter's  mix  included  a  higher  level  of  joint  revenue  sharing

arrangements than last year. Overall, revenues of $51 million declined 20% year over year driven by

the  lower  box  office  impact  on  rental  revenues,  as  well  as  the  installation  mix  that  led  to  lower

upfront system sales.

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SG&A excluding stock-based compensation was $31 million, a 4% improvement year over year. As

a  reminder,  Q2  is  generally  our  highest  spend  for  global  sales,  marketing  and  events.  Even  with

these costs, we saw lower spend year over year, driven by operational efficiencies and cost initiative

benefits.  Overall,  the  second  quarter  total  consolidated  adjusted  EBITDA  of  $31  million  was  at  a

34.8% margin, compared to 36.7% in the prior year, with declines in gross margin from lower box

office and revenue mix being partially offset by SG&A and R&D savings.

For the first half, total adjusted EBITDA margin was 37.5% and in line with our full-year guidance of

high-30s  percent.  Lastly,  adjusted  EPS  in  Q2  was  $0.18,  which  easily  beats  consensus  and

compares to adjusted EPS of $0.26 in the year-ago period. Turning to our global network. System

installations and signings both showed very good growth in Q2, as demand for IMAX continues to

grow in advance of the expected strong box office slate that Rich described.

During the quarter, we completed 24 system installations, up 20% over Q2 2023, which puts us at

39 installations for the first half, a growth of 34% year over year. Of the Q2 installations, 67% were

new  locations  with  over  60%  of  these  in  the  Rest  of  World  outside  of  North  America  and  China.

Signings activity increased dramatically to the 87 in Q2 versus 46 in the prior year with more than a

quarter of these signings expected to be installed in 2024. The accelerating pace of installations and

signings along with our significant backlog of over 500 systems at the end of Q2 gives us confidence

in our network growth trajectory.

As a result, we have raised our 2024 full-year system installation guidance range to 130 systems to

150 systems from 120 systems to 150 systems with the low end of the range above full-year 2023

installations of 128 systems. Turning to cash flow and the balance sheet. We had a strong operating

cash  flow  in  Q2  of  $35  million  that  compared  to  $5  million  in  the  prior  year.  The  higher  year  over

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year  operating  cash  flow  reflects  the  timing  of  box  office  receipts,  as  well  as  improving  working


This has been a focus and I'm pleased to see the progress. Our capital position remains very strong

with  $91  million  in  cash  and  $287  million  of  debt  excluding  deferred  financing  costs,  reflecting  a

sequential reduction in net debt of $25 million. As a reminder, $230 million of our debt comes from

our convertible senior notes due in 2026 that bear an interest rate of 0.5% per annum with a capped

call leading to a $37 per share conversion price. Our current available liquidity is $392 million, which

includes  $300  million  in  available  borrowing  capacity  under  the  company's  varying  revolving


From a capital allocation perspective, year-to-date, we spent $15.6 million on capex, including $10

million  on  growth  capex  and  $18  million  on  IMAX  share  repurchases.  IMAX  repurchases  were

weighted  toward  the  first  quarter  when  our  share  price  was  pressured  following  the  Hollywood

strikes.  We  determined  the  level  of  repurchases  by  considering  the  share  price,  available  excess

cash  and  the  cost  of  borrowing,  while  also  factoring  in  competing  uses  of  cash  including  growth

capex to expand our IMAX network. We are focused on driving shareholder returns and have spent

$175 million to buy back 11.5 million shares or approximately 19% of our shares outstanding since


This share reduction gives us the potential for meaningful adjusted EBITDA per share and adjusted

EPS  expansion  in  2025,  given  the  expected  box  office  trajectory.  We'll  continue  to  focus  on

shareholder  returns  following  the  approach  I  outlined.  In  total,  we  have  $151  million  available

remaining  under  our  share  repurchase  authorization.  While  we  are  pleased  with  our  financial

performance  and  our  resilience  through  a  disruptive  period  for  the  entertainment  ecosystem,  we

have  also  been  focused  on  continuing  to  improve  the  way  we  run  the  business  from  an  operating

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and financial perspective.

Over the past nine months, we have looked closely at the global operating structure of our business.

That evaluation has led to operational improvements and savings, as well as a better alignment of

our intellectual property ownership structure to maximize earnings power and improve tax efficiency.

We have taken several steps, of which the results are reflected on our financials this quarter, and we

expect  to  manifest  more  benefits  going  forward.  First,  we  have  begun  to  streamline  our  global

operations,  including  restructuring  IMAX  China  to  gain  greater  efficiencies  with  IMAX  Corporation,

which has resulted in the elimination of certain roles and reductions in overhead expenditures.

These organizational and tax efficiency gains have allowed us to capture a number of benefits we

were aiming to realize from the IMAX China privatization effort we engaged in last year. Thus, our

incentives  to  taking  that  business  private  have  decreased.  Secondly,  as  previously  discussed,  we

have  been  adversely  impacted  by  tax  valuation  allowances  most  quarters  since  the  pandemic,

resulting in an unusually high tax rate. During the second quarter, we reorganized our legal entities

to optimize our tax structure to reflect the mix of our business and where we are making investments

and realizing the most profit.

As a result, we recognize a tax benefit in Q2 stemming from this reorganization, and we expect in

the future, this structure will result in the creation of additional value from our IP and a more effective

global tax rate. These are some very positive outcomes that help support greater IMAX profitability

and  earnings  in  the  future.  To  conclude,  we  have  real  momentum  across  the  key  drivers  of  our

business, global box office, system sales and installations ahead of an extremely promising diverse

film slate over the next several years with more IMAX DNA than we've ever seen. At the same time,

new  revenue  streams  are  contributing  to  our  growth  and  driving  greater  capacity  utilization  across

our IMAX global network.

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A strong opportunity given one point of utilization can drive $75 million to $100 million in additional

box  office.  Along  with  our  increasing  confidence  on  network  growth  from  system  installations,  the

third  quarter  is  off  to  a  great  start.  We're  on  the  cusp  of  100  system  signings  and  delivered  three

consecutive hits in Twisters, China's Successors and the strong presales for Deadpool & Wolverine.

Given  the  strength  of  our  business  model,  the  tailwinds  in  the  market  and  our  continued  focus  on

streamlining  our  operations  to  unlock  efficiencies,  we  believe  IMAX  is  poised  to  deliver  strong

growth, expanding margins and increased cash flows for years to come.

With that, I will turn the call over to the operator for Q&A.

Questions & Answers:
