DEXCOM Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


Kevin Ronald Sayer -- Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Sean, and thank you, everyone, for joining us. Before we begin discussing Q2 results,

let  me  state  that  overall  category  demand  remained  strong,  and  awareness  of  the  value  of  CGM

across the metabolic health spectrum continues to accelerate. This trend was evident at the recent

American  Diabetes  Association  Conference,  which  featured  DexCom's  largest  evidence  to  date  in

the non-insulin type 2 space. DexCom research demonstrated significant A1c reduction in multiple

studies, as well as real-world evidence showing a time and range increase of greater than 4 hours

per day for nearly 4,000 customers using DexCom CGM at one year.

We are leveraging several pathways of evidence generation to ensure that we are maximizing our

market opportunity into the future as our CGM systems become increasingly tailored to the unique

needs of each customer. Despite the positive progress on these fronts, we saw 3 near-term trends

emerge  over  the  course  of  the  second  quarter  that  drove  results  below  our  expectations.  First,  as

we've worked through our U.S. sales force realignment expansion, we have seen our share of new

customers fall short of our expectations despite still strong absolute customer additions.

Second, our U.S. revenue per customer has stepped down faster than expected based on 2 primary

drivers:  rebate  eligibility  and  channel  mix.  With  G7  coverage  emerging  faster  than  expected,  we

realized greater rebate eligibility relative to initial expectations and compared to 2023 levels. While

we  believe  this  enhanced  G7  coverage  has  helped  facilitate  new  customer  starts,  as  mentioned

above,  the  pace  of  these  starts  did  not  allow  us  to  offset  the  temporary  impact  from  this  rebate


We  expect  the  impact  of  this  rebate  eligibility  dynamic  will  reach  its  peak  in  the  third  quarter,  and

Jereme will provide specific color on the Q3 expectations shortly. Beyond the transitory G7 eligibility

dynamic, we also saw revenue per customer impacted by U.S. channel mix dynamics. U.S.

customer  growth  has  remained  strong  in  our  pharmacy  business  as  we  expand  our  reach  into

primary care and type 2 diabetes more broadly. However, our growth in the DME channel has trailed

our  plan.  The  DME  distributors  remain  important  partners  for  us  in  our  business,  and  we've  not

executed well this quarter against these partnerships. We need to refocus on those relationships.

Finally,  our  international  performance  was  also  lighter  than  expectations  in  the  quarter.  While  we

delivered  strong  performance  in  some  of  our  core  markets  such  as  the  U.K.  and  France,  we  saw

category growth soften in certain geographies as type 1 penetration advances in these regions. We

continue to see a significant runway ahead across our international footprint, particularly as we drive

greater access for people with type 2 diabetes.

To  account  for  these  trends  and  appropriately  reflect  our  base  assumption,  we've  lowered  our

full-year  revenue  guidance  to  11%  to  13%  organic  growth.  We  have  higher  expectations  for  our

business  than  what  we  experienced  this  quarter.  We  believe  we  have  an  incredible  product  and

incredible  future  pipeline  and  an  unparalleled  market  opportunity.  We  also  have  a  great  team

capable of leading this market, but I expect more for myself and more from my team going forward.

So what are we doing to enhance our competitive position and reestablish momentum? It starts with

our product portfolio, which we continue to strengthen to put our field sales team in a great position

with clinicians. In the second quarter, we expanded our direct-to-Apple Watch connectivity with G7,

launching  in  the  U.S.  and  several  additional  international  markets  with  this  feature  that  has  been

among our most requested for several years. We expanded the international launch of the DexCom

ONE+  system  now  reaching  18  international  markets  with  our  smaller  G7  form  factor  for  our

DexCom one users.

We've  built  on  the  performance  of  G7,  making  it  even  better.  This  includes  a  continuation  of  our

monthly  cadence  of  software  updates,  which  included  the  second  quarter  additions  of  medication

logging and the ability to ingest activity data into our G7 app. We've introduced a stronger adhesive

to support our customers into the summer months, and we expanded the G7 Bluetooth connectivity

range  by  more  than  65%.  We  advanced  DexCom's  CGM  leadership  in  the  ID  space  with  the

launches of G7 integrations with Tandem's Mobi System and Insulet's Omnipod 5.

We've strengthened our existing products while preparing for the most expansive product launch in

our  company's  history  with  the  upcoming  August  launch  of  Stelo.  We  are  seeing  the  demand  for

CGM build in the non-insulin space and consumer use and believe that we've created a unique and

engaging system to drive people to better metabolic health outcomes. Our team has worked hard to

build  a  scalable  service  model  for  Stelo  that  will  be  great  for  our  customers,  including  the

e-commerce experience, seamless delivery through Amazon fulfillment, insightful product features,

digital  support  options  and  much  more  to  come.  We'll  offer  both  single  purchase  opportunities  as

well as discounted subscriptions that bring the monthly cost below $100.

Stelo  will  be  a  full  launch  on,  and  we  continue  to  expect  approximately  1%  of  revenue

contribution  in  2024.  We  are  committed  to  personalized  approaches  to  metabolic  health

management  through  updates  like  these.  This  is  what  will  enable  us  to  capture  greater  share  and

maintain high rates of retention and utilization across our customer base. We feel that our expanded


sales force positions us very well to reignite our growth opportunity now and well into the future. We

have  the  ability  to  dive  deep  into  the  technological  leadership  that  DexCom  provides  for  diabetes

specialty  practices.  We  have  also  expanded  our  reach  and  ability  to  highlight  the  simplicity  of  our

platform and how it fits into a busy primary care practice. We have the advantage of better coverage

and  the  lowest  out-of-pocket  cost  for  the  insulin  population  and  soon  to  be  enhanced  by  the

simplicity of the Stelo OTC platform.

As we take significant steps to broaden our addressable market well into the future with Stelo and

our expanded U.S. sales force, we are also working hard to ensure simplified access to our systems

in  the  markets  we  serve.  In  the  second  quarter,  our  team  worked  with  the  CDC  to  create  new

ICD-10 diagnostic codes for problematic hypoglycemia. These codes, which were published in May

and  go  into  effect  in  October,  can  simplify  the  process  of  documenting  hypoglycemic  events  that

qualify non-insulin users for CGM coverage.

Our international market expansion efforts also progressed into the second quarter as we received

coverage  in  France  for  people  with  type  2  diabetes  on  basal  insulin  and  began  serving  these

customers in June. We also transitioned to direct sales in Japan at the outset of the quarter and look

forward  to  taking  control  of  our  commercial  efforts  in  that  crucial  market.  To  summarize,  our

second-quarter performance and 2024 outlook are not up to our standards, and we look forward to

better capitalizing on our opportunity as we move forward. With that, I'll turn it over to Jereme.

Jereme M. Sylvain -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Thank you, Kevin. As a reminder, unless otherwise noted, the financial metrics presented today will

be  discussed  on  a  non-GAAP  basis.  Reconciliations  to  GAAP  can  be  found  in  today's  earnings

release  as  well  as  the  slide  deck  on  our  IR  website.  For  the  second  quarter  of  2024,  we  reported

worldwide  revenue  of  $1.004  billion  compared  to  $871.3  million  in  the  second  quarter  of  2023,

representing growth of 15% on a reported basis and 16% on an organic basis.

As a reminder, our definition of organic revenue excludes the impact of foreign exchange in addition

to  non-CGM  revenue  acquired  or  divested  in  the  trailing  12  months.  U.S.  revenue  totaled  $732

million for the second quarter compared to $617 million in the second quarter of 2023, representing

growth  of  19%.  As  Kevin  mentioned,  we  experienced  lower-than-expected  new  customer  starts  in

conjunction with our sales force expansion and realignment, particularly in the DME channel, as well

as the near-term impact from pharmacy eligibility changes, which lowered our revenue per customer

relative to our expectation.

Together, these dynamics adversely impacted our revenue this quarter by approximately $40 million

as  compared  to  our  internal  estimate.  Based  on  the  compounding  effect  of  these  lower  second

quarter  new  customer  starts,  we  also  expect  our  growth  rate  in  the  back  half  of  the  year  to  be

impacted. To offset this, our team is working aggressively to improve our execution and deliver the

higher  market  share  levels  that  we  believe  our  product  deserves.  International  revenue  grew  7%,

totaling $272 million in the second quarter.

International  organic  revenue  growth  was  10%  for  the  second  quarter.  While  we  anticipated  our

international growth to slow this quarter as we lapped our very strong performance from Q2 2023,

our  results  came  in  lighter  than  expected.  Our  miss  on  new  customers  impacted  us  by

approximately  $10  million  on  the  quarter.  Our  international  performance  can  often  ebb  and  flow

based on coverage decision and distributor purchases.

But  as  Kevin  mentioned,  there  remains  a  long  runway  ahead  for  DexCom  CGM  globally.  We

continue  to  invest  in  infrastructure  to  expand  our  geographical  presence,  provide  compelling

evidence  to  expand  market  access  in  new  segments  of  key  markets  and  leverage  our  product

portfolio  to  meet  the  unique  needs  of  various  customers  and  health  systems.  Our  second-quarter

gross profit was $638.1 million or 63.5% of revenue, which was in line with the 63.5% of revenue we

delivered in the second quarter of 2023. We continue to see further migration of our customer base

from G6 to G7 in the second quarter as we finalize new pump integrations and transition DexCom 1

to the G7 form factor.

Between this ongoing customer transition and continued ramp-up of our high-volume manufacturing

facilities in Mesa and Malaysia, we are making steady progress toward our long-term cost targets.

Operating expenses were $442.7 million for Q2 of 2024 compared to $395.1 million in Q2 of 2023.

Operating income was $195.4 million or 19.5% of revenue in the second quarter of 2024 compared

to  $158.4  million  or  18.2%  of  revenue  in  the  same  quarter  of  2023.  Adjusted  EBITDA  was  $283.9

million or 28.3% of revenue for the second quarter compared to $232.6 million or 26.7% of revenue

for the second quarter of 2023.

Net  income  for  the  second  quarter  was  $174.3  million  or  $0.43  per  share.  We  remain  in  a  great

financial  position,  closing  the  quarter  with  greater  than  $3.1  billion  of  cash  and  cash  equivalents.

And  based  on  our  strong  cash  position,  consistent  free  cash  flow  generation  and  ongoing  growth

opportunities,  we  are  announcing  an  authorization  for  a  share  repurchase  program  of  up  to  $750

million. Turning to guidance.

Starting with full-year 2024, we are decreasing our revenue guidance to a range of $4.00 billion to

$4.05  billion,  representing  organic  growth  of  11%  to  13%  for  the  year.  As  mentioned  earlier,  the

compounding effect of our slower-than-expected new customer growth in the U.S. DME channel and

international  business  as  well  as  increased  pharmacy  eligibility  resulted  in  the  need  to  recalibrate

the guide. Our updated guidance reflects these dynamics and assumes a longer ramp in productivity

in our U.S.

sales  force.  For  margins,  we  are  reducing  our  non-GAAP  gross  profit  margin  guidance  to

approximately  63%,  while  maintaining  our  prior  guidance  on  non-GAAP  operating  margin  and

adjusted EBITDA at approximately 20% and 29%, respectively. In addition to our annual guidance,

we  are  providing  2  additional  data  points  to  help  investors  and  analysts  understand  some  of  the

unique elements impacting our revised guidance in 2024. First, the impact to new patients from our

sales force initiative combined with our revenue per customer trends that Kevin detailed will change

the historical seasonality pattern that we have typically experienced.

These impacts are expected to reach their peak in the third quarter, with total revenue expected to

be between $975 million and $1 billion. In conjunction with this revenue outlook, we thought it would

be helpful to provide a midyear update on our global active customer base, which we now estimate

to  be  between  2.5  million  and  2.6  million.  This  represents  strong  growth  over  where  we  finished

2023, though the growth percentage has decelerated slightly. Our hope is these updates will provide

additional  visibility  as  our  team  works  to  implement  several  of  the  areas  of  focus  that  we  have

aligned on over the past month and as our sales force continues to ramp their efficiency.

With that, we can open up the call for Q&A. Sean?

Sean Christensen -- Vice President, Finance and Investor Relations

Thank you, Jereme. As a reminder, we ask our audience to limit themselves to only one question at

a time and then reenter the queue if necessary. Abby, please provide the Q&A instructions.


Questions & Answers:
