CARPARTSCOM Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


Joining me today are David Meniane, chief executive officer; Ryan Lockwood, chief financial officer;

and  Michael  Huffaker,  chief  operating  officer.  Before  I  turn  it  over  to  David  to  start  the  meeting,  I

have  some  important  disclosures.  The  prepared  remarks  and  responses  to  your  questions  could

contain certain forward-looking statements related to the business under the federal securities laws.

Actual  results  may  differ  materially  from  those  contained  in  or  implied  by  these  forward-looking

statements  due  to  risks  and  uncertainties  associated  with  the  business.  For  a  discussion  of  the

material risks and other important factors that could affect results, please refer to the

annual  report  on  Form  10-K  and  10-Qs  as  filed  with  the  SEC,  both  of  which  can  be  found  on  our

Investor  Relations  website.  On  the  call,  both  GAAP  and  non-GAAP  financial  measures  will  be

discussed.  A  reconciliation  of  GAAP  to  non-GAAP  financial  measures  is  provided  in  the press release issued today.

And with that, I would now like to turn the call over to David. 

David Meniane -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Tina, and thanks, everyone, for joining us today. I'd like to start with the most important

takeaways  from  this  quarter  before  I  turn  it  over  to  Ryan  to  review  our  financial  performance  in

detail. Last quarter, we discussed our emphasis on financial discipline by focusing on driving gross

and  net  margins,  accelerating  efficiency  and  effectiveness  to  quickly  deliver  improved  profitability,

and  achieving  a  path  to  sustainable  and  profitable  growth  with  strong  long-term  free  cash  flow.  In

the second quarter, we made significant progress on gross margin and operating efficiencies, which

reinforces our confidence that we're on the right track.

We  expect  fiscal  year  2024  to  be  a  low-watermark  year  as  we  execute  on  the  changes  we  have

been making. This should position us for a strong fiscal 2025 and beyond, and we are confident in

our  road  map  and  our  opportunity  as  a  leading  online  retailer  in  a  highly  fragmented  $400  billion

auto  parts  market.  In  the  first  half  of  the  year,  we  updated  our  pricing  and  marketing  acquisition

strategies to target more profitable customers and generate higher gross margins. As a result, in the

second quarter, we saw sequential margin improvement with product margins at 54%, up 210 basis

points from Q1.

We expect Q3 to be sequentially higher. Combined with the cost reduction initiatives I'll discuss in a

moment,  we  anticipate  better  unit  economics  on  less  volume.  However,  pricing  actions  and

beginning  to  change  the  overall  profile  of  our  customers  negatively  impacted  sales,  which  were

down  to  $144  million  from  $177  million  in  the  prior-year  period.  Our  operational  highlights  for  the

quarter were as follows.

We  continued  to  optimize  our  product  and  price  assortment  to  maximize  the  profitability  of  our

e-commerce  channel.  Our  mobile  app  continues  to  drive  strong  momentum  with  over  450,000

downloads,  more  than  double  the  number  from  the  beginning  of  the  year.  In  addition,  in  just  12

months after launching, mobile app sales accounted for 80% of our total e-commerce revenue. With

approximately  80%  of  our  customers  shopping  on  mobile,  over  time,  we  expect  direct  in-app

purchases to drive savings and advertising spend by reducing our reliance on search engines and

performance marketing as well as incentivizing repeat purchases.

Second, we continue to invest in our marketing channels. We are making strides on building brand

awareness and recognition of our leading digital-first and customer-centric automotive e-commerce

strategy, which is critical to capturing our target high-value customer base. In July, we launched our

first-ever  comprehensive  brand  campaign.  Our  "Now  That's  My  Speed"  campaign,  along  with  our

new tag line, Quality Parts Priced Right, is running across top social media platforms, YouTube, and

connected TV.

This campaign highlights our customer value propositions, our extensive selection of over 1 million

quality parts at competitive pricing, and our hassle-free e-commerce solution. We are committed to

moving  up  the  marketing  funnel  to  establish  as  one  of  the  most  trusted  and

recognizable brands in the industry. Our goal is to become the go-to destination for all automotive

repair and maintenance needs, capitalizing on our infrastructure, website traffic, and customer lists.

We  also  want  to  welcome  our  new  chief  marketing  officer,  Christina  Thelin,  who  brings  over  20

years  of  experience  in  marketing,  with  an  extensive  background  in  building  global  brands  and

award-winning  campaigns  across  several  Fortune  500  companies,  including  Google,  Twitter,  Visa,

and Procter & Gamble.

As CMO, Christina will lead our strategic marketing initiatives as we continue to expand our market

presence, drive customer engagement, and increase awareness for We are confident

that her strategic marketing vision and proven track record will help propel our company forward. We

are thrilled to have her on the team. And third, we made significant progress on the upgrade of our

logistics and reduction of our freight costs.

We've  identified  opportunities  for  pick,  pack,  and  shipping  optimization  that  will  drive  reductions  in

freight costs and improve margins. Combined with our product margin improvement, we believe we

can  continue  to  improve  gross  margin  after  freight  in  the  third  quarter.  Higher  gross  margin

percentage,  combined  with  operational  efficiencies,  should  result  in  increased  profitability  for  the

company.  In  June,  our  new  Las  Vegas  fulfillment  center  became  operational  and  is  now  shipping

more than 10% of our network volume.

As we exit the year, we expect this building to handle close to 20% of the company volume as we

service  the  western  part  of  the  country.  The  facilities  assortment,  paired  with  a  state-of-the-art

AI-powered  PIC  Module  and  extensive  conveyance  allows  for  a  significant  reduction  in  operating

costs.  This  investment  was  made  to  drive  operating  leverage  and  growth  in  the  form  of  process

efficiencies and improved conversion for customers in the region. We expect those savings to start

ramping in the second half of 2024 and fully realized in 2025.

I'll now turn the call over to Ryan to lead us through our financial results.

Ryan Lockwood -- Chief Financial Officer

Thank you, David. In Q2, we reported revenues of $144.3 million, down 18% from $177 million last

year.  The  decline  was  driven  primarily  by  deliberate  price  increases  to  drive  gross  margin

expansion, combined with softer consumer demand. Gross profit for the quarter was $48.4 million,

down approximately 20% compared to the prior year.

Gross  margin  was  33.5%  of  sales,  down  from  34.2%  in  the  prior-year  period  and  up  sequentially

from  32.4%  last  year.  Gross  margin  improvement  from  increased  prices  and  expanded  brand

margins  related  to  our  efforts  in  the  quarter  were  offset  by  higher  year-over-year  freight  costs.  As

David mentioned, driving gross and net margin to strengthen financial discipline is the central part of

our strategy, and we expect to see continued improvement in the quarters ahead. GAAP net loss for

the quarter was $8.7 million compared to a net loss of $0.7 million in the prior-year period, primarily

driven by lower flow-throughs from gross margin, combined with certain one-time costs.

We reported adjusted EBITDA loss of $0.1 million, down from $6.3 million in the prior-year period,

primarily  due  to  costs  related  to  the  move  and  opening  of  our  new  Las  Vegas  facility,  technology

transformation  costs  as  well  as  special  project  expenses  related  to  our  strategy  refocus.  The  total

amount of expenses outside of our normal operations was approximately $2.8 million in the quarter.

Turning to the balance sheet. We ended the quarter with $34 million of cash and no revolver debt.

We generated $354,000 of interest income in the second quarter. Our significant cash position and

untapped  revolver  continues  to  support  our  business  plan  as  we  finalize  the  opening  of  our  new

semi-automated Vegas fulfillment center, our free cash flow should improve. The inventory balance

at  quarter-end  was  $109  million  versus  $114  million  in  the  prior  year.  Turning  to  our  outlook  for


For the full year, we expect revenues at the low end of our guidance range of $600 million to $625

million,  reflective  of  our  gross  margin  improvement  focus  for  the  year.  We  remain  in  line  with  our

previously stated gross profit margin guidance of 33%, plus or minus 100 basis points.

David Meniane -- Chief Executive Officer

Thanks,  Ryan.  As  we've  outlined,  we  are  positioning  CarParts  for  the  future  through  our  work  to

balance gross margin expansion and revenue. These improvements span our entire business, from

customer-facing  improvements  to  enhanced  product  assortment  and  process  changes  that  are

making us more efficient across every operating group at the company. We are forging a path that

we expect will result in achieving sustainable and significantly positive adjusted EBITDA next year,

while working toward achieving a 6% to 8% adjusted EBITDA margin and enhanced free cash flow

generation in the medium term.

We  expect  to  emerge  from  this  period  of  transition  strongly  positioned  to  capture  the  tremendous

and  growing  opportunity  in  front  of  us  within  a  highly  fragmented  and  underserved  $400  billion

automotive  aftermarket.  Our  customers  are  excited  by  our  offering,  and  our  business  is  becoming

more efficient, highly differentiated, scalable, and difficult to replicate. We remain firmly focused on

becoming  the  go-to  destination  for  all  automotive  repair  and  maintenance  needs.  I  would  like  to

thank  each  and  every  person  across  our  global  teams  for  their  hard  work  and  commitment  as  we

continue to execute on our transformation.

Thank you, everyone, for joining today's call. We'll now turn it over to the operator and open it up for

your questions.


Questions & Answers:
