BLUE-OWL-CAPITAL Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


executive  officer;  and  Alan  Kirshenbaum,  our  chief  financial  officer.  I'd  like  to  remind  our  listeners

that  remarks  made  during  the  call  may  contain  forward-looking  statements,  which  are  not  a

guarantee of future performance or results and involve a number of risks and uncertainties that are

outside  the  company's  control.  Actual  results  may  differ  materially  from  those  in  forward-looking

statements  as  a  result  of  a  number  of  factors,  including  those  described  from  time  to  time  in  Blue

Owl Capital's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The  company  assumes  no  obligation  to  update  any  forward-looking  statement.  We'd  also  like  to

remind everyone that we'll refer to non-GAAP measures on the call, which are reconciled to GAAP

figures  in  our  earnings  presentation  available  on  the  Investor  Resources  section  of  our  website  at Please note that nothing on this call constitutes an offer to sell or a solicitation of an

offer to purchase an interest in any Blue Owl fund. This morning, we issued our financial results for

the  second  quarter  of  2024,  reporting  fee-related  earnings,  or  FRE,  of  $0.21  per  share  and

distributable earnings, or DE, of $0.19 per share.

We also declared a dividend of $0.18 per share for the second quarter, payable on August 30th to

holders  of  record  as  of  August  21st.  During  the  call  today,  we'll  be  referring  to  the  earnings

presentation, which we posted to our website this morning. So please have that on hand to follow

along. With that, I'd like to turn the call over to Marc. 

Marc Lipschultz -- Co-Chief Executive Officer

Great.  Thank  you  very  much,  Ann.  Blue  Owl  had  a  very  active  second  quarter,  reporting  another

record  quarter  of  earnings  and  announcing  highly  strategic  acquisitions  that  further  diversify  our

business.  Over  the  last  12  months,  we  have  generated  23%  fee-related  earnings  growth  at  19%

distributable earnings growth from the prior-year period.

And since becoming a public company, we have had 13 consecutive quarters of management fee

and  FRE  growth,  highlighting  both  the  stability  and  strength  of  our  business.  Our  disciplined

investment  approach  and  compelling  track  record  have  appealed  to  a  growing  pool  of  investors

looking  for  uncorrelated  and  income-driven  returns.  We  continue  to  expand  the  types  of  financing

solutions we offer making us an increasingly important counterparty and in conjunction, we continue

to  expand  the  range  of  strategies  and  product  options  we  offer  to  our  investors.  Recently,  we

announced  our  intention  to  acquire  one  of  the  leading  alternative  credit  managers  in  the  market

today,  Atalaya  Capital  Management,  added  substantial  scale  to  Blue  Owl's  alternative  credit

capabilities and complementing our leading position in direct lending.

Atalaya brings deep expertise in asset-based finance with a strong 18-year record through market

cycles, and we believe our counterparties and clients will be very excited about the platform synergy

opportunities  we  will  be  able  to  create  with  the  Atalaya  team  on  board.  Alternative  credit  is  a

multitrillion-dollar market where legacy participants are pulling back, and we think we have exactly

the  right  team  in  place  to  become  an  increasingly  significant  player  in  the  space.  Looking  back  to

when we announced the Oak Street acquisition in 2021. Oak Street's AUM was roughly $12 billion.

About  two  and  a  half  years  later,  we  have  more  than  $28  billion  of  AUM  in  triple  net  lease  alone.

And I think this is a great case study for what we hope to achieve with Atalaya. Alan will talk more

about  this  in  a  few  minutes.  More  broadly,  we  now  have  added  critical  capabilities  in  alternative

credit and real estate credit, further building out the waterfront of solutions we offer.

Both are deeply disrupted markets with huge addressable opportunity sets. And with the acquisition

of  Kuvare  Asset  Management,  we  now  offer  a  holistic  asset  management  solution  to  insurance

companies,  broadening  our  potential  investor  base  substantially.  We  expect  integration  of  these

businesses  to  go  very  smooth,  given  that  there  is  generally  very  little  overlap  between  Blue  Owl's

existing footprint and that of the businesses we are acquiring. The vast majority of the employees

will  see  very  little  change  in  their  day-to-day,  with  investment  teams  remaining  focused  on  their

areas of expertise and continuing to be led by their founders or existing senior management teams.

Our goal is to enhance what each firm is already doing well and create incremental opportunities for

the  combined  entity.  And  critically,  all  of  these  were  proprietary  acquisitions  not  done  through

auctions. The leaders of these firms or the insurance partner in the case of Kuvare wanted to grow

their businesses as a part of Blue Owl. They're not selling to Blue Owl but rather joining Blue Owl.

We  plan  to  leverage  Blue  Owl's  scale  to  benefit  each  of  these  businesses  through  our  700-plus

sponsor  relationships  our  leading  wealth  distribution  platform,  a  global  and  growing  institutional

platform, and greater efficiency and best-in-class corporate infrastructure. We're very excited about

the  collaborations  we  can  create  across  the  Blue  Owl  platform  and  look  forward  to  sharing  more

about those in the quarters to come. Moving on to the quarter. We continue to see good fundraising

progress across the business.

Gross flows into our perpetually distributed products reached $2.8 billion in the second quarter, over

30%  higher  than  the  first  quarter  and  more  than  double  what  we  raised  in  the  second  quarter  of

2023.  Notably,  redemptions  in  the  perpetually  offered  products  remain  nominal  despite  upticks

across  the  industry,  totaling  less  than  $325  million  across  all  or  under  20  basis  points  of  our

beginning  AUM.  That  means  we  raised  nine  times  more  than  what's  left  the  system  in  these

products. Total gross loans from private wealth were $3.2 billion.

Our  incumbency  position  as  one  of  the  leaders  in  the  private  wealth  channel  as  a  result  of  the

relationships  and  the  level  of  trust  we  have  built  with  distributors  through  thoughtful  partnership,

strong performance, and high-touch service at every level of these organizations. What's remarkable

about the opportunity in private wealth is the overall very modest amount of allocation to alternative

products, which is in the low to mid-single digit percentages. We think we're in the very early innings

of  the  adoption  of  [Inaudible]  by  individual  investors  as  they  begin  to  see  the  benefits  of

diversification  and  uncorrelated  asset  classes  in  their  portfolios.  We  also  raised  $2.2  billion  from

institutional  investors  across  a  number  of  strategies,  including  GP  stakes,  first-lien  lending,  liquid

credit,  diversified  lending,  and  GP  lending  secondaries,  complementing  our  robust  flows  in  private

wealth and reflecting the ongoing diversification of fundraising across our business.

To zoom out slightly, we have raised $32 billion across equity and debt over the past 12 months in

an environment that most continue to describe as challenging. That's equivalent to over 20% of our

AUM  a  year  ago  that  we've  raised  in  12  months,  a  more  than  solid  showing  in  our  view,  and  we

continue to bring new capabilities to market. Turning to business performance. In credit, we had a

record quarter of deployment with more than $18.7 billion of gross originations primarily across new

deals, add-ons, and refinancings where we decided to participate in the new law.

Repayments  were  $6.9  billion,  resulting  in  a  higher  quarter  of  net  deployment.  We  continue  to

demonstrate  that  borrowers  are  drawn  to  the  3Ps  of  direct  lending:  predictability,  privacy,  and

partnership. And that value proposition is compelling, whether the syndicated markets are active or

not.  The  longer-term  secular  trend  of  sponsors  gravitating  more  and  more  toward  direct  lending

remains in place, and we see healthy sponsor appetite to deploy incremental capital and monetize

existing investments over time.

Direct lending metrics remain strong. On average, underlying revenue growth was in the high single

digits and EBITDA growth was in the mid-teens across the portfolio with no significant step-ups in

nonaccruals or/and requests. As we think about the key to our success in direct lending, is a very

straightforward  formula  we  follow.  One,  start  by  limiting  loan  losses  through  rigorous  underwriting

and been highly selective.

This  is  evident  in  our  7  basis  points  of  annualized  realized  losses  since  inception.  And  two,  when

there is a default to everything we can to ensure a higher recovery. I think we have demonstrated

both  of  these  tenants  very  successfully  over  the  prior  years.  And  more  broadly,  our  portfolio

companies continue to perform extremely well.

We are pleased with what we're seeing across the business. In our GP stakes business, our partner

managers continue to benefit from two meaningful secular trends, growing allocations to alternatives

and GP consolidation. Collectively, our partner managers now manage over $1.8 trillion, giving us

an  unparalleled  view  over  the  alternative  asset  management  industry.  The  ongoing  diversification

and  scaling  of  all  managers,  the  emergence  and  rapid  growth  of  asset  classes  such  as  direct

lending  and  alternative  credit,  the  partnerships  being  formed  in  insurance  asset  management

solutions, and the expansion of opportunity in private wealth.

These are all trends readily observable across our partner managers and one for which Blue Owl's

business is well-positioned. This past quarter, we have also observed an uptick in the asset sales for

some of the partner manager portfolios, which could reflect sponsors greater willingness to monetize

assets in older vintage PE funds. During the second quarter, we made our first investment for our

mid-cap  GP  stake  strategy  and  have  two  additional  investments  agreed  to,  in  principle,  which  we

expect to close in the third quarter. As for our large-cap GP stake strategy, we remain on track to

have Fund V substantially committed by the third or fourth quarter of this year.

We closed on an additional $1 billion for the latest vintage of the strategy during the second quarter

and  anticipate  that  fundraising  in  the  third  quarter  could  be  similar  based  on  current  visibility.  But

keep in mind, we're not focused on the timing of closes quarter to quarter. What is important is that

we remain very focused and confident in our ability to achieve our $13 billion goal over the next 18

months. In real estate, we continue to actively deploy capital at attractive cap rates behind our four

major themes: digital infrastructure, onshoring, healthcare real estate, and essential retail.

The  capital  needs  in  each  of  these  areas  is  very  significant,  and  we  are  making  good  progress  in

deploying Fund VI, which we just finished fundraise in during the last quarter. We believe we'll be

approximately 60% committed for this fund by year-end, which would put us ahead of expectations

in deploying capital, demonstrating the strong demand for our net lease solutions. Earlier, we spoke

about the disruptive dynamics in alternative credit and real estate credit. The same dynamic applies

to  triple  net  lease,  where  we  think  we're  seeing  some  of  the  very  best  risk  reward  this  space  has

seen in a very long time.

We are buying great properties at cap rates in the mid- to high-7s, facing generally investment-grade

tenants  and  there  are  very  few  others  doing  what  we  do.  That's  a  compelling  proposition,  and  we

are  leaning  into  it.  We  continue  to  see  nice  step  functions  upward  in  the  fundraising  for  ORENT.

Second-quarter flows were 130% higher than a year ago, bucking the trends seen across competitor

nontraded REIT products, and we continue to launch on additional distribution platforms.

To  bring  it  all  together,  there's  a  lot  of  growth  happening  across  Blue  Owl  organically  and

inorganically.  But  the  big  picture  is  very  simple.  We're  an  alternative  asset  manager  with  leading

positions in our direct lending, GP stakes, and triple net lease strategies. We have a leading position

in  private  wealth  distribution  and  an  expanding  global  presence  in  institutional  and  insurance


We're  adding  scale  alternative  credit  and  real  estate  credit  capabilities  with  teams  that  have

generated strong track records over decades. And our P&L model is very simple. Almost all of our

revenue  comes  from  durable  permanent  capital  with  best-in-class  fee  rates,  and  our  earnings  are

made  up  entirely  of  fee-related  earnings.  We  think  this  makes  our  business  quite  unique  and

compelling and well-positioned for strong and stable growth to come.

With that, let me turn it to Alan to discuss our financial results.

Alan J. Kirshenbaum -- Chief Financial Officer

Thank  you,  Marc,  and  good  morning,  everyone.  We're  very  pleased  with  the  differentiated  and

strong results we continue to post quarter after quarter. As Marc mentioned earlier, we have been

able  to  achieve  13  consecutive  quarters  of  both  management  fee  and  FRE  growth  due  to  the

durability  of  our  asset  base  anchored  by  permanent  capital  and  strong  investor  demand  for  the

strategies  we  offer.  Let's  go  through  some  of  our  key  highlights  on  an  LTM  year-over-year  basis

through June 30th.

Management  fees  are  up  21%  and  92%  of  these  management  fees  are  from  permanent  capital

vehicles. FRE is up 23% and DE is up 19%. As you can see on Slide 12, we raised $5.4 billion of

equity  in  the  second  quarter  and  $19.2  billion  of  equity  for  the  last  12  months.  I'll  break  down  the

second-quarter fundraising numbers across our strategies and products.

In  credit,  we  raised  $3.4  billion,  $2.4  billion  was  raised  in  our  diversified  and  first  lien  lending

strategies, of which $1.7 billion came from our nontraded EDC, OCIC, double what we raised in the

second quarter of 2023. Inclusive of the July 1st close, we have now raised over $12 billion for OCIC

since  inception.  The  remainder  was  raised  across  software  lending,  liquid  credit,  and  strategic

equity.  In  GP  strategic  capital,  we  raised  $1.3  billion  across  our  large  cap  strategy  and  co-invest


And in real estate, we raised over $650 million, primarily in ORENT or perpetually offered net lease

products.  We're  pleased  with  the  increasing  breadth  of  fundraising  across  strategies  and  products

which will continue to expand with our new insurance solutions offering and the Prima and Atalaya

acquisitions. Prima closed in June, adding approximately $11 billion to AUM. And in early July, our

acquisition of Kuvare Asset Management also closed, adding approximately $20 billion to AUM for

the third quarter.

Pro forma for Atalaya closing, which is expected to add approximately $10 billion, our AUM will be

over $220 billion. As a reminder, we also have substantial embedded earnings in our business. AUM

not-yet-paying fees was $15.9 billion as of the end of the second quarter, corresponding to roughly

$200 million of incremental annual management fees once deployed. We also have approximately

$135  million  of  incremental  management  fees  that  will  turn  on  upon  the  listing  of  our  remaining

private BDCs over time.

These  two  items  alone  would  represent  an  increase  of  almost  20%  from  our  last  12-month  FRE

revenues. These aspects, combined with our business model of being virtually all permanent capital

and  100%  FRE,  just  gives  us  a  higher  quality  of  earnings  than  any  of  our  peers  in  the  industry.

Moving  on  to  our  credit  platform.  We  had  gross  originations  of  more  than  $18.7  billion  for  the

quarter, a record high, and net funded deployment of $7.2 billion.

This brings our gross originations for the last 12 months to over $40 billion with $15.5 billion of net

funded deployment. Our credit portfolio returned 3% in the second quarter and 16.4% over the last

12 months. Weighted average LTVs remain in the high-30s across direct lending and in the low-30s

specifically  in  our  software  lending  portfolio.  For  our  GP  strategic  capital  platform,  total  invested

commitments for our fifth GP Stakes funds, including agreements in principle, are over $11.5 billion

of  capital  with  line  of  sight  into  over  $3  billion  of  opportunities,  which  if  all  our  signs,  we  bring  us

through the remaining capital available in Fund V.

And performance across these funds remained strong with a net IRR of 24% for Fund III, 41% for

Fund  IV  and  12%  for  Fund  V.  And  in  our  real  estate  platform,  our  pipeline  continues  to  grow  with

nearly  $10  billion  of  transaction  volume  on  the  letter  of  intent  or  contract  to  close.  As  Marc

mentioned earlier, we think we could be roughly 60% committed to Fund VI by year-end, reflecting

the  strong  demand  we're  seeing  for  our  net  lease  solutions.  Many  of  these  opportunities  are

build-to-suit  arrangements,  which  are  very  capital  efficient  for  the  tenant  and  where  we  get  a

premium cap rate for providing a flexible balance sheet friendly solution to our parks.

These  can  take  between  18  and  24  months  to  fully  deploy  the  capital  we've  committed.  And  as  a

reminder,  we  charge  management  fees  mostly  on  invested  capital,  so  we  will  earn  incremental

management fees as this capital is support. With seeing such strong deployment opportunities, this

could position us well to be out in the market with the next vintage of this strategy before the end of

next year. With regards to performance, gross returns across our real estate portfolio were 2.5% for

the second quarter and 6.7% for the last 12 months, comparing favorably to the broader real estate

market over this time period.

The  net  IRR  across  our  fully  realized  funds  has  been  24%  for  investment-grade  and  credit-worthy

tenant  risk,  reflecting  the  favorable  value  creation  driven  by  our  scale  and  solutions-based

partnerships. OK. Let's wrap off with a few closing thoughts. We continue to track to be in or around

our dollar-per-share goal for 2025.

We've  talked  about  the  four  things,  now  three  things  that  needs  to  happen  to  be  on  track  for  this

goal,  which  are:  first,  accretive  acquisitions,  which  we  achieved  through  Kuvare,  Prima  and  the

announcement of Atalaya, so check that. Three remaining things: one, continued strong fundraising

levels for OCIC, OTIC, and ORENT. We continue to see strong fund raise levels coming through for

these products and especially in the case of ORENT, where we have seen a step function upwards

with another step-up expected in the back half of this year. So overall, on this first one, we expect

we are on track.

Two,  a  successful  fund  raise  for  our  large-cap  GP  stake  funds  and  we  are  pacing  at  a  good  level

here. As we have noted previously, our expectation is this will be a little more back ended with more

fund raise expected in 2025 than 2024. Overall, on the second one, we expect we are on track. And

three, the listing of some of our BDCs.

We completed the listing of OBDE earlier this year. We continue to deploy capital in OTF II and for

the  BDC  that  remain  private,  we  are  focused  on  executing  on  the  strategy  we  outlined  during  last

year's BDC Investor Day. So overall, on the third one, we expect we are on track. Bringing this all

together, we feel good about being in or around our dollar-per-share dividend goal and reporting a

very  strong  dividend  growth  rate  for  2025  in  the  low-  to-  mid-30%  range,  resulting  in  a  dividend

CAGR of 30% since going public.

Now  let's  talk  a  little  more  about  our  Atalaya  acquisition  for  a  moment,  where  we  think  there  is  a

meaningful  opportunity  akin  to  what  we  saw  for  Oak  Street.  Marc  mentioned  earlier  that  we  have

more  than  doubled  Oak  Street's  AUM  in  just  under  three  years.  So  let  me  put  some  color  around

how  we've  achieved  that.  Since  acquiring  Oak  Street,  we  have  doubled  the  net  lease  team,

including the addition of Jesse Holm as CIO of the platform.

We  have  created  new  product  offerings  for  the  private  wealth  channel  and  are  in  the  process  of

launching a European net lease product. And the investments have started to pay off, with ORENT

out  raising  all  of  our  peers  on  a  net  basis  and  Fund  VI  well  exceeding  its  $5  billion  hard  cap.

Bringing it all together, we have been able to accomplish a great deal in a relatively short amount of

time in our net lease business. We have more than doubled AUM.

We have almost tripled permanent capital. We have tripled FRE revenues, and we have grown our

average management fee rate by over 30%. And most importantly, based on the increase in FRE

that  we  have  generated  in  our  triple  net  lease  platform  we  have  created  almost  $1  billion  of

additional  value  for  our  shareholders  in  just  a  few  years  in  a  very  tough  environment  to  raise  real

estate funds. We are equally excited about our Atalaya acquisition.

The  Atalaya  team  is  one  of,  if  not  the  best,  in  the  alternative  credit  industry,  and  we  have  a  lot  of

runway  ahead  of  us  to  grow  this  business  together.  We  have  mentioned  that  this  acquisition  is

modestly accretive in 2025 and we think much more accretive as we really ramp this business over

the next number of years, similar to Oak Street. It is, however, margin dilutive for Blue Owl. As we

continue to do acquisitions, we won't always find businesses with the same FRE margins.

The margins here are well below our levels. We believe we can increase them over time, but may

not  ultimately  get  up  to  60%  with  each  of  our  acquisitions.  That's  OK.  We  expect  this  deal  will  be

very value accretive for us over time and fills a very strategic product area for us in a huge industry

growth area.

So  as  we  go  into  the  next  year  or  so,  we  can  see  margins  for  the  remainder  of  this  year  being

slightly below the 60% level and for 2025 being 2% to 3% lower. On the last note, we have led the

alternative  asset  management  industry  and  growth,  since  we  listed  in  2021,  and  we  have  every

intention on continuing to lead the industry for the foreseeable future and the key metrics that matter

to all of us: management fees, FRE revenues, FRE and dividend growth; and we feel very confident

we  will  accomplish  these  goals  through  continued  organic  and  inorganic  growth  and  reinvestment

back  into  our  business.  With  that,  I'd  like  to  thank  everyone  who  has  joined  us  on  the  call  today.

Operator, can we please open the line for questions.


Questions & Answers:
