AMERICAN-TOWER Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


Steve Vondran -- President and Chief Executive Officer

Good morning, and thanks to everyone for joining the call today. As you can see in our Q2 results

and  our  revised  full  year  outlook,  we  continue  to  build  on  the  strength  we  saw  in  the  underlying

business at the outset of the year, with further validation of our initial expectations for strong activity

across our platforms in 2024. I want to start today's remarks by thanking our teams across the world

for  their  commitment  to  operational  excellence  and  dedication  to  maximizing  sales,  bringing  down

costs, and expanding margins across the portfolio. My comments today will focus on our latest views

on  our  international  portfolio  and  aim  to  address  some  of  the  recurring  questions  related  to  our

international  strategy  in  both  developed  and  emerging  markets  that  we  received  from  investors  in

recent months.

As  we've  communicated  in  the  past,  our  international  investment  thesis  is  two-pronged.  First,  we

see  that  the  fundamentals  that  have  driven  performance  in  the  U.S.  such  as  ongoing  exponential

growth in mobile data consumption and a business model that benefits from tremendous operating

leverage generally hold true across international markets. Second, by exporting our successful U.S.

model to investment in a diversified portfolio of assets that balance various risk and return profiles,

we  expect  to  expand  and  augment  our  long-term  growth  potential.  Executing  on  this  thesis  has

resulted in a footprint that includes diverse and sometimes complicated geographies. Entering these

markets as a U.S. business involves creating value, while solving for two types of risk: operational

and financial.

On  the  operational  front,  I  can  confidently  tell  you  that  we  have  the  best  operating  teams  in  each

geography across our portfolio, and we've overcome operational risks on a consistent basis through

our  shared  global  expertise  and  experience.  In  many  cases,  we  leverage  operating  challenges  to

create new business opportunities and enhance existing or introduce new competitive advantages.

This capability has been demonstrated through our reliable speed-to-market delivery on new tower

builds,  a  global  reputation  of  sophisticated  regulatory  approach  that  has  afforded  opportunities  to

effectively  assess  new  markets  and  assets  and  the  development  of  innovative  power-as-a-service

model  that  provides  best-in-class  network  uptime  and  supports  initiatives  about  American  Tower,

our M&M customers, and the communities we serve to deliver clear telecommunications networks.

This  is  one  of  the  key  synergies  American  Tower  brings,  an  unmatched  global  knowledge  and

support platform to create value through operational excellence.

Our investors benefit from our ability to utilize that platform to realize expanded market share of new

business,  drive  best-in-class  margins,  and  leverage  cost  of  capital  advantages  derived  from  our

global balance sheet. When you take all these together, these benefits translate to enhanced value

of  the  assets  under  the  American  Tower  umbrella  commanding  a  premium  relative  to  the  market

implied some of the parts on a comparable basis. And where this does not hold true, we've taken

corrective  actions,  which  I'll  touch  on  a  little  bit  later.  As  I  mentioned  in  previous  remarks,  our

exposure to financial risk has been more acute in our emerging market portfolio particularly over the

past  several  years  as  global  macroeconomic  factors  have  had  an  outsized  impact  on  emerging


In these cases, those financial risks have, quite frankly, outpaced what we originally underwrote and

together with care consolidation that contributed to financial results in certain emerging markets that

fall  short  of  our  standards.  We're  taking  action  to  improve  those  results.  We've  talked  previously

about our focus on cost controls, and I'm happy to say that those are paying off. At the midpoint of

our  guidance  this  year,  we  anticipate  savings  of  over  $40  million  of  SG&A,  including  bad  debt

relative to 2023.

Our emerging market footprint has been a meaningful contributor to our cost efficiency progress to

date,  where  we're  shifting  our  focus  from  aggressively  growing  those  portfolios  to  maximizing  the

return  on  our  investments.  We've  also  previously  commented  on  raising  the  hurdle  rates  for  the

deployment of additional capital in those markets. These proactive actions and our refined strategic

focus have corresponded to an expected 2024 reduction of over 40% in discretionary capital across

Latin America, Africa, and APAC compared to 2021. Conversely, in parts of our developed market

footprint such as Europe and CoreSite or underwriting compelling mid-teens U.S.

dollar  yields,  we're  increasing  our  investments  alongside  our  capital  partners.  With  an  expanded

developed market platform inclusive of the U.S. and Canada, we've been able to more than double

our discretionary capital in those markets over the same period. As a result, as you can see on Slide

6, the allocation toward emerging markets has reduced from around two-thirds of our total in 2021 to

less than a third in our 2024 guidance.

You'll likely see that number continue to trend down as we satisfy some of our previously contracted

obligations in certain markets. Complementing our approach to discretionary capital allocation and

supporting  our  proactive  steps  to  enhance  our  global  portfolio,  in  2023,  we  divested  noncore

subscale underperforming assets like Mexico fiber and our pole operations. And earlier this year, we

announced  our  pending  exit  from  India.  Additionally,  over  the  past  several  years,  we  further

expanded our developed market exposure through our M&A focus across the U.S.

and Europe. All just in a few examples of the key strategic actions we've taken to date. Pro forma for

the anticipated sale of our India business, our attributable AFFO exposure to emerging markets will

be  approximately  25%.  As  a  result  of  these  actions,  and  those  I'll  touch  on  later,  we  believe  our

emerging  market  operations  and  our  business  as  a  whole  are  in  a  better  position  to  deliver  the

higher quality, sustainable earnings' growth that makes investing in communications infrastructure is

so compelling.

However, given the impacts of the financial risk and the stability and quality of earnings our investors

rightfully  demand  from  the  tower  and  communications  infrastructure  models,  we  expect  to  further

reduce our relative exposure to emerging markets over time as we continue to focus on incremental

investments in developed economies. Now that doesn't mean that you should assume that we plan

on divesting in particular markets. For our full management team and our board regularly assess all

options,  including  divestitures  and  we're  going  to  remain  opportunistic  as  we  continue  to  actively

manage  our  portfolio,  we  believe  today  that  more  long-term  value  is  created  by  continuing  to

operate these portfolios, expand our gross margins, and reduce capital intensity, while repatriating

cash  flows  to  fund  other  global  priorities  such  as  deleveraging,  paying  our  dividend,  developed

market  investments  with  the  highest  quality  return  profiles,  and  looking  ahead,  the  potential  for

share  buybacks.  Meanwhile,  continued  operation  of  these  portfolios  means  that  we  retain  the

optionality to reinvest into those markets if economic conditions and growth outlooks evolve.

With  that  in  mind,  here's  what  we're  focused  on  in  our  international  segment  going  forward.  First,

just in the U.S., owning and operating the highest quality assets and partner with leading carriers in

each market helps provide more stable growth and reduce long-term earning volatility resulting from

consolidation. This is a critical lesson learned from our experience in India where consolidation post

significant headwinds to growth over a multiyear period. Today, the vast majority of our revenues in

Europe, Africa, and Latin America carefully leading customers with competitive end market scale.

Meaningful enhancements to our counterparty profile over the past several years have come in part

due to carrier consolidation, but also as a result of proactively aligning growth initiatives and capital

allocation,  both  through  development  or  M&A  to  our  doing  business  with  market  leaders,  and  we

remain committed to growing in Tier 1 global MNOs across our footprint. In some cases, particularly

where  growth  capital  is  not  required,  we  may  also  support  network  rollouts  of  new  entrants  or

smaller operators. However, any time we assess expansion capex from carriers that fit this profile,

the  underwriting  standards  will  be  adjusted  to  account  for  potential  incremental  risk  on  a

case-by-case  basis.  Next,  scale  is  perhaps  the  most  critical  component  of  the  international  value

creation flywheel.

At a high level, our scale allows us to operate more profitably by leveraging shared overhead and a

global balance sheet that creates cost of capital advantages. Importantly, scale also enables us to

develop nationwide agreements that present a differentiated go-to-market solution for leading MNOs

that contract terms that we view as critical. In particular, securing full lease-up rights on the assets

we  acquire,  including  the  ability  to  monetize  by  co-location  limit  activity  is  crucial  to  our  ability  to

drive long-term organic growth. Over the past decade, we had counter sale-leaseback opportunities

with restrictive contract terms that limit the lease-up monetization.

These terms are nonstarters for us. Similarly, while recent currency devaluation in certain markets

has exceeded our initial underwriting expectations, CPI escalators have proven to be a critical tool to

help  mitigate  long-term  currency  risk  over  the  last  decade.  As  we  look  forward  to  the  balance  of

2024  in  the  next  several  years,  we  believe  we're  uniquely  positioned  to  create  differentiated  value

for our customers. To maximize the benefits of the scale portfolio we have in place, we're reinforcing

a customer service-driven approach to everything we do.

At our internal departments in each region are focused on supporting our sales team's ability to find

new  business  with  market  leaders  and  deliver  strong  organic  growth.  Further,  our  global  model

allows  our  best-in-class  operating  team  to  remain  flexible  in  addressing  the  ebbs  and  flows  in

demand through cross-border share resources, allowing for sustained speed-to-market delivery for

our  customers,  while  also  supporting  our  focus  on  cost  management.  To  that  end,  we  remain

committed to extending the global efficiency and cost management achievements we made to date.

For 2018 and at the midpoint of our 2024 outlook, we expect to reduce cash SG&A, excluding bad

debt  as  a  percentage  of  revenue  by  roughly  210  basis  points  in  Europe,  Africa,  and  LatAm  in


We're  now  in  the  process  of  further  globalizing  our  business  functions  to  identify  additional  areas

where we can leverage scale and technology to perform continued growth in customer service in the

most cost-efficient manner. In closing, we believe we have an opportunity to leverage our learnings

for  the  last  two-plus  decades  of  global  operations  to  continue  managing  and  developing  a

best-in-class  business  that's  capable  of  delivering  high-quality,  long-term  earnings  growth.  We're

going  to  continue  actively  managing  our  portfolio  to  ensure  a  compelling  mix  of  geographies  and

assets  that  are  well  positioned  to  support  and  monetize  growing  data  demand  and  our  operating

capabilities  to  continue  to  serve  a  sustained  competitive  advantage.  As  our  actions  have

demonstrated over the past year, we're prepared to make appropriate strategic decisions to ensure

that we have a portfolio of the highest quality.

Going  forward,  we  believe  that  through  our  focus  on  maximizing  organic  growth,  disciplined  and

flexible reinvestment of cash flows and their growth opportunities, and further leveraging our global

scale  and  maximize  profitability  and  returns,  we  can  provide  a  value  proposition  that  can  be

replicated  elsewhere,  translating  into  expanded  returns  on  capital  over  time.  With  that,  I'll  hand  it

over to Rod to discuss Q2 results and our revised outlook.

Rod Smith -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Treasurer

Thanks, Steve. Good morning, and thank you for joining today's call. As highlighted in this morning's

press  release,  we  had  a  strong  second  quarter  driven  by  the  resilient  demand  for  our  assets  and

resulting  in  robust  performance  across  several  key  areas.  Given  the  critical  nature  of  our  global

portfolio and the growth trends in mobile data consumption, we head into the back half of the year

confident in our ability to drive strong growth, execute on our cost management initiatives, enhance

our quality of earnings and deliver compelling total shareholder returns.

Before I discuss the specifics of our Q2 results and revised full year outlook, I'll summarize a few of

the  highlights.  First,  activity  levels  on  our  tower  assets  remain  strong.  Our  consolidated  organic

tenant billings growth of 5.3% continues to demonstrate the strength of the fundamentals that fuel

our business. In our U.S.

services segment performed in line with our expectations for accelerating tower activity in 2024 with

revenues and gross profit each increasing over 50% versus Q1 and more than double that of Q4 of

2023.  Next,  CoreSite  executed  another  exceptionally  strong  quarter  with  double-digit  revenue

growth.  Their  second  highest  quarter  of  signed  new  leasing  in  the  company's  history  and  record

cash  backlog.  Additionally,  our  data  center  projects  currently  under  development  are  roughly  60%

pre-leased,  four  times  the  historical  average  providing  confidence  in  visibility  to  an  accelerated

pathway to realizing CoreSite's best-in-class returns on invested capital.

Furthermore, in India, the positive collection trends we saw over the last several quarters continued

in Q2 allowing us to reverse approximately $67 million of previously reserved revenue in clearing the

majority of the outstanding AR we have with a key customer. Separately, we made further progress

in  accelerating  certain  payments  included  and  the  approximately  $2.5  billion  of  potential  total

proceeds associating with our pending sale of ATC India. In the quarter, we repay traded more than

$210 million back to the U.S., and we're in the process of repay trading in additional approximately

$20  million  largely  associated  with  the  monetization  of  the  VIL  OCDs  net  of  fees.  Today,  total

accelerated proceeds stands at approximately $345 million inclusive of funds received in Q1 and we

expect the remaining proceeds potentially of approximately $2.1 billion to be received at closing.

As  we  make  progress  to  its  closing,  which  we  continue  to  target  the  second  half  of  2024,  we

anticipate incurring incremental costs within the business between SG&A and maintenance capex. A

modest offset to the upside realized through strong collections. I will touch on these items and how

they  impact  our  outlook  later.  Finally,  we  continue  to  effectively  execute  on  our  balance  sheet

initiatives, highlighted in the quarter by the issuance of 1 billion euro denominated senior unsecured

notes and awaited average cost of 4%.

The proceeds we used to pay down floating rate debt, lowering our ratio back to 89% fixed to 11%

floating. Turning to second quarter property revenue and organic tenant billings growth on Slide 8.

Consolidated  property  revenue  growth  was  4.6%  or  over  6.5%  excluding  non-cash  straight  line

revenue while absorbing roughly 230 basis points of FX headwinds. U.S.

and Canada property revenue growth was approximately 1% or over 4% excluding straight line and

includes an approximately 1% negative impact from Sprint churn. International revenue growth was

approximately  7%  or  over  12%  excluding  the  impacts  of  currency  fluctuations  which  includes  an

over  8%  benefit  associated  with  improved  collections  in  India.  Finally,  data  center  revenues

increased  over  12%  as  demand  for  hybrid  and  multi-cloud  IT  architecture  continues  unabated.

AI-driven  demand  picks  up  in  the  backlog  of  record  new  business  found  over  the  last  two  years

continues to commence.

Moving  to  the  right  side  of  the  slide.  Consolidated  organic  tenant  billings  were  5.3%  supported  by

strong demand for our assets across our global portfolio. In our U.S. and Canada segment, organic

tenant billings growth was 5.1% and over 6% absent Sprint-related churn.

We expect a relatively similar growth rate in Q3 before a step-down in Q4 as we commence the final

tranche of contracted Sprint churn, all supportive of our 2024 outlook expectation of approximately

4.7%.  Our  international  segment  grow  5.5%  in  organic  tenant  billings  growth  reflecting  additional

moderation  in  CPI  went  escalated  as  expected,  any  sequential  step-down  in  co-location  and

amendment contributions, most notably, in APAC. However, in Europe, we saw another quarter of

accelerating new business moving organic tenant billings growth in the region to 5.7% and giving us

confidence to modestly raise our full year outlook for the segment which I'll touch on shortly. Turning

to Slide 9.

Adjusted  EBITDA  grew  8.1%  or  nearly  12%,  excluding  the  impacts  of  noncash  straight  line,  while

absorbing  approximately  210  basis  points  in  FX  headwinds.  Cash,  adjusted  EBITDA  margins

improved  approximately  300  basis  points  year-over-year  to  64.7%,  which  includes  a  roughly  80

basis point benefit in the quarter associated with the India reserve reversals as compared to a drag

of  nearly  50  basis  points  in  the  year  ago  period.  Absent  these  onetime  items,  we're  continuing  to

demonstrate meaningful cash margin improvements supported by the inherent operating leverage in

the  tower  model  and  continued  cost  management  throughout  the  business.  In  fact,  cash,  SG&A,

excluding bad debt, declined approximately 2.5% year-over-year in the quarter.

Moving  to  the  right  side  of  the  slide.  Attributable  AFFO  and  attributable  AFFO  per  share  grew  by

13.5% and 13.4%, respectively, supported by a high conversion of cash adjusted EBITDA growth to

attributable AFFO. Now shifting to our revised full year outlook, I'll start with a few key updates. First,

as I mentioned earlier, we've had a strong start to the year.

Core  performance  remains  solid,  and  our  continued  focus  on  driving  cost  discipline  and  margin

expansion across the business is paying off through exceptional conversion rates of top line results

through adjusted EBITDA and AFFO. As you'll see in the next several slides, our core results to date

and  expectations  for  the  remainder  of  the  year  are  contributing  to  outperformance  across  key

metrics  for  2024  as  compared  to  our  prior  expectations.  Next,  having  now  come  off  several

consecutive quarters of solid collections in India, we've reassessed expectations for the year in our

prior outlook, we have assumed nearly $50 million in revenue reserves from Q2 to Q4 or just over

$16 million per quarter. As I mentioned earlier, through positive collections in Q2, we reversed $67

million  of  previously  reserved  revenue  translating  to  an  upside  of  $84  million  as  compared  to  our

prior outlook assumptions for the quarter.

We now have confidence to fully remove our previous reserve assumption for the second half of the

year representing an incremental $32 million in upside, which, together with Q2 results is driving an

outlook to outlook increase of around $116 million across property revenue, adjusted EBITDA, and

attributable AFFO. Finally, we have revised our FX assumptions, providing an incremental headwind

of $51 million, $33 million, and $28 million to property revenue, adjusted EBITDA, and attributable

AFFO, respectively. Turning to Slide 10. We are increasing our expectations for property revenue by

approximately $20 million compared to prior outlook.

Outperformance  includes  $116  million  associated  with  positive  collection  trends  in  India  partially

offset  by  a  decrease  of  $45  million,  which  consists  of  a  decrease  of  $58  million  in  pass-through

primarily  due  to  fuel  costs,  net  of  an  increase  of  $13  million  in  straight-line  revenue.  Consolidated

core  property  revenue  remains  unchanged  with  certain  offsetting  movements  between  segments.

Growth was partially also offset by $51 million associated with negative FX impacts. Moving to Slide


Expectations for consolidated U.S. and Canada, total international and APAC organic tenant billings

growth  remain  unchanged.  However,  we  have  raised  expectations  for  Africa  to  greater  than  12%

and Europe to approximately 6%, up from 11% to 12% and 5% to 6%, respectively. In addition, we

have  lowered  our  expectations  for  Latin  America  to  greater  than  1.5%,  down  from  approximately


Turning to Slide 12. We are increasing our adjusted EBITDA outlook by $130 million as compared to

the  prior  outlook.  Outperformance  is  driven  by  the  flow-through  of  FX-neutral  property  revenue

upside and direct expense savings partially offset by additional SG&A costs in India and $33 million

of FX headwinds. Moving to Slide 13.

We are raising our expectations for AFFO attributable to common stockholders by $85 million at the

midpoint and $0.18 on a per share basis, moving the midpoint to $10.60. Cash, adjusted EBITDA

outperformance  was  partially  offset  by  incremental  maintenance  capex  split  between  the  U.S.  and

Canada, where we're prioritizing certain incremental projects and India. Growth is partially offset by

$28 million in FX headwinds.

Excluding  India,  outperformance  on  an  FX-neutral  basis  was  $27  million  as  compared  to  prior

outlook.  Turning  to  Slide  14.  You'll  see  our  capital  allocation  plans  remain  relatively  consistent,

including  unchanged  expectations  for  our  2024  dividend  distribution,  which  is  subject  to  board

approval.  On  the  capital  program  side,  we  are  increasing  our  plan  for  2024  by  $55  million,  which

includes $30 million associated with maintenance capex, as I previously mentioned, and additional

success-based development investments in our U.S.

data  center  business  to  maximize  sellable  capacity  on  the  back  of  ongoing  record  demand.

Additionally, we have reallocated certain discretionary capital buckets, including an increase toward

our  strategically 

important  U.S. 

land  acquisition  program,  partially  offset  by  savings 


redevelopment. Moving to the right side of the slide.

We remain focused on strengthening our balance sheet and accelerating our pathway to additional

financial flexibility. This commitment is demonstrated through our successful execution in the capital

markets  including  the  issuance  of  over  $2  billion  in  fixed  rate  debt  since  the  start  of  the  year,  a

strategic  and  disciplined  approach  toward  our  capital  deployment  priorities,  highlighted  for

reductions  in  discretionary  capital  spend  in  each  of  the  last  several  years,  together  with  a

rebalancing of strategic priorities between geographies and risk profiles and a continued cost focus

across  the  business.  These  strategic  actions  have  translated  into  meaningful  progress  toward

achieving our net leverage target and an improved fixed-to-floating rate debt profile over the past 24

months. Turning to Slide 15.

And in summary, we are pleased with our execution through the first half of the year, demonstrating

the  strength  of  the  fundamentals  that  underpin  our  business  through  solid  organic  growth  and  a

diligent focus on cost management throughout our company, combined with our prudent approach

to  capital  allocation,  while  reinforcing  and  enhancing  our  balance  sheet  strength  and  financial

flexibility.  We  believe  we  are  well  positioned  to  drive  strong  sustainable  growth  and  long-term

shareholder value while being a best-in-class operation for our stakeholders across the globe. With

that, operator, we can open the line for questions.


Questions & Answers:
