ABBVIE Earningcall Transcript Of Q2 of 2024


vice president, chief financial officer; and Carrie Strom, senior vice president, AbbVie, and president,

global Allergan Aesthetics. Before we get started, I'll note that some statements we make today may

be considered forward-looking statements based on our current expectations. AbbVie cautions that

these  forward-looking  statements  are  subject  to  risks  and  uncertainties  that  may  cause  actual

results to differ materially from those indicated in our forward-looking statements.

Additional  information  about  these  risks  and  uncertainties  is  included  in  our  SEC  filings.  AbbVie

undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. On

today's  conference  call,  non-GAAP  financial  measures  will  be  used  to  help  investors  understand

AbbVie's  business  performance.  These  non-GAAP  financial  measures  are  reconciled  with

comparable  GAAP  financial  measures  in  our  earnings  release  and  regulatory  filings  from  today,

which can be found on our website.

Following our prepared remarks, we'll take your questions. So with that, I'll turn the call over to Rob. 

Robert A. Michael -- Chief Executive Officer

Thank you, Liz. Good morning, everyone, and thank you for joining us. It's a pleasure to speak with

you  today  as  AbbVie's  new  CEO.  I  look  forward  to  building  on  our  track  record  of  success  and

delivering on AbbVie's promise to our patients, employees, shareholders, and communities.

As we begin this new chapter, nearly every aspect of AbbVie's business is performing at or above

our expectations. We are demonstrating a rapid return to revenue growth with operational sales up

nearly  4%  through  the  first  half  of  this  year,  including  robust  mid-single-digit  growth  in  the  second

quarter.  Our  ex-Humira  growth  platform,  which  covers  more  than  80%  of  AbbVie's  total  sales,  will

outperform our initial full-year sales guidance by more than $1 billion, driven by strong performance

in immunology and oncology. In addition, U.S.

Humira  performance  continues  to  meet  our  expectations,  having  achieved  or  exceeded  our

guidance  in  all  six  quarters  with  biosimilar  competition.  The  strong  performance  across  our

diversified  portfolio  will  drive  top-tier,  high  single-digit  compound  growth  through  the  end  of  this

decade, which will support continued investment to drive growth in the next decade. Turning to our

results.  I'm  especially  pleased  with  immunology,  where  our  leading  portfolio  is  delivering

performance well above our expectations.

Skyrizi  continues  to  demonstrate  strong  momentum  in  psoriasis  and  Crohn's  disease,  where  we

have  substantial  headroom  for  additional  share  gains,  and  the  recent  approval  in  UC  will  add

another  source  of  long-term  growth.  Rinvoq  is  also  delivering  robust  growth  across  all  approved

indications.  We  are  making  excellent  progress  with  late-stage  development  in  five  additional

indications that we anticipate will launch in the second half of this decade. In oncology, Elahere has

accelerated our on-market presence in solid tumors.

We also have several exciting pipeline programs, including two novel c-Met ADCs for solid tumors,

Teliso-V and 400; as well as 383, our BCMA/CD3 bispecific for multiple myeloma. In neuroscience,

our leading therapies for migraine and mood disorders continue to gain share and are competitively

well-positioned. The pending acquisition of Cerevel will further augment our neuroscience pipeline,

and  we're  excited  about  what  our  two  companies  can  achieve  together  to  make  a  difference  for

patients  with  neuropsych  disorders.  We  have  certified  substantial  compliance  to  the  FTC  Second

Request and anticipate the Cerevel transaction will close soon.

Lastly,  we've  been  very  active  with  business  development,  investing  in  exciting  opportunities  that

can drive growth in the next decade. Through the first half of this year, we have executed nearly a

dozen early stage deals. These include promising technologies and innovative mechanisms that can

elevate  the  standard  of  care  in  immunology,  oncology,  and  neuroscience.  In  summary,  I'm  very

pleased with the strong momentum of our business.

AbbVie's results once again exceed our expectations, and we are raising guidance for the second

time this year, underscoring our confidence in the business. The robust performance of our growth

platform  and  the  advancement  of  our  pipeline  supports  AbbVie's  top-tier  long-term  outlook.  With

that, I'll turn the call over to Jeff for additional comments on our commercial highlights. Jeff?

Jeffrey Ryan Stewart -- Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer

Thank you, Rob. We continue to demonstrate strong commercial execution across our therapeutic

portfolio.  I'll  start  with  the  quarterly  results  for  immunology,  which  delivered  total  revenues  of

approximately  $7  billion.  Skyrizi  and  Rinvoq  are  performing  exceptionally  well,  contributing  more

than $4.1 billion in combined sales this quarter, reflecting operational growth of 50% in their fifth full

year on the market.

These assets are approved across a broad set of indications and are collectively supported by nine

compelling  head-to-head  studies  that  demonstrate  clear  differentiation  across  multiple  novel

therapies which has resulted in strong share capture. For Skyrizi, we continue to advance our clear

leadership  position  in  psoriasis  where  total  prescription  share  of  the  U.S.  biologic  market  has

increased to approximately 38%. Share is also ramping nicely in PSA, especially in the dermatology

segment, where Skyrizi has achieved roughly 15% total prescription share in the U.S.

biologic  market.  And  for  Rinvoq,  we  are  seeing  increasing  share  across  each  of  the  room

indications, as well as additional momentum in atopic dermatitis, including total prescription share of

10% in the U.S. We are very excited about the growth potential in gastroenterology, where Skyrizi

and Rinvoq are on pace to double their respective sales in IBD this year. The adoption in Crohn's

disease has been impressive with Skyrizi and Rinvoq now achieving a combined in-play share in the


of  more  than  40%.  Skyrizi  has  achieved  overall  in-place  share  leadership  in  Crohn's  with  in-place

share  approximately  now  13  points  ahead  of  Stelara,  following  our  compelling  head-to-head

sequence  data  published  last  year.  This  positive  trial,  which  demonstrated  Skyrizi's  high  efficacy

versus  Stelara,  including  a  more  than  doubling  of  effect  in  endoscopic  remission,  has  driven  a



in  performance,  and  we  anticipate  continued  share  momentum.

Commercialization for Skyrizi in ulcerative colitis is now underway in the U.S.

with  broad  formulary  access  anticipated  to  ramp  quickly  over  the  next  several  months.  Early

feedback  from  gastroenterologists  has  been  very  encouraging  with  Skyrizi's  UC  data  viewed  as

impressive, particularly for naive patients who have not been exposed to biologics. We also expect

the  European  launch  in  the  coming  months.  We  also  see  very  robust  adoption  of  Rinvoq  in  UC,

where the brand is now achieving a leading in-play share in the U.S.

Internationally, Rinvoq UC is now approved in 75 countries with reimbursement and share gaining

momentum.  Having  two  novel  therapies  that  each  deliver  differentiated  levels  of  efficacy  to  treat

both of these IBD conditions demonstrates our commitment to transforming the treatment landscape

for physicians and patients in this area of high unmet need. Turning now to Humira, which delivered

global  sales  of  $2.8  billion,  down  28.9%  on  an  operational  basis  due  to  biosimilar  competition.

Erosion in the U.S.

was  in  line  with  our  expectations  in  the  quarter,  and  our  guidance  contemplates  the  impact  of

additional formulary changes over the course of the year. Importantly, we continue to anticipate that

Humira will maintain parity access to biosimilars for a significant majority of patient lives this year.

Moving  now  to  oncology,  where  total  revenues  were  more  than  $1.6  billion.  Imbruvica  global

revenues were $833 million, down 8.2%, reflecting continued competitive dynamics in CLL.

Venclexta global sales were $637 million, up 15.8% on an operational basis with strong momentum

across  CLL  and  AML.  Elahere  is  also  performing  very  well  with  sales  of  $128  million,  and  our

compelling overall survival data, recent positive updates in the NCCN guidelines, and the expansion

of commercial resources will continue to drive rapid uptake. Lastly, we continue to be pleased with

the  prescription  trends  for  Epkinly  in  DLBCL.  Commercialization  is  now  underway  for  Epkinly's

second indication, follicular lymphoma, in the U.S.

with  European  approval  expected  later  this  year.  Neuroscience  total  revenues  were  nearly  $2.2

billion,  up  15.2%  on  an  operational  basis.  This  robust  performance  is  driven  by  continued

double-digit growth of Vraylar with global sales of $774 million, Ubrelvy with total revenue of $231

million, and Qulipta with global sales of $150 million. Each of these leading assets continue to gain

share and remain competitively well-positioned.

Botox  Therapeutic  is  also  performing  well,  especially  in  chronic  migraine.  Total  global  sales  were

$814 million, up 9.6% on an operational basis. Finally, we are pleased with the early launch trends

for  951  in  Japan  and  Europe  and  look  forward  to  bringing  this  innovative  therapy  for  advanced

Parkinson's to the U.S. soon.

Overall, I'm extremely pleased with the momentum across the therapeutic portfolio. And with that, I'll

turn the call over to Carrie for additional comments on aesthetics. Carrie?

Carrie Strom -- Senior Vice President and President, Global Allergan Aesthetics

Thank you, Jeff. Second quarter global aesthetic sales were approximately $1.4 billion, representing

growth  of  2.8%  on  an  operational  basis.  In  the  U.S.,  aesthetic  sales  of  $863  million  increased  by

4.4%, driven by Botox Cosmetic and Juvederm growth of 7.1% and 10.4%, respectively. This toxin

and  filler  performance  is  supported  by  a  consistent  recovery  in  the  facial  injectable  market  as  the

number of procedures in both categories increased by a mid-single-digit percentage versus the prior


However,  this  level  of  market  growth  was  lower  than  previously  anticipated.  Sales  for  Botox

Cosmetic  and  Juvederm  also  benefited  from  a  partial  reversal  of  the  prior  quarter's  inventory

destock,  which  was  related  to  the  timing  of  certain  promotional  activities.  From  a  competitive

perspective,  our  U.S.  facial  injectable  portfolio  remains  the  clear  market  leader  with  strong  and

stable market share.

Internationally, second quarter aesthetic sales were $527 million, roughly flat versus the prior year

on an operational basis as declines in China were balanced by growth in other international markets.

In  China,  our  largest  international  market,  sales  growth  continued  to  be  impacted  by  sustained

economic  headwinds  and  as  well  as  a  challenging  comparison  to  the  second  quarter  of  last  year,

which  benefited  from  a  strong  post-COVID  recovery.  Consistent  with  what  we  experienced  in  the

U.S.,  economic  challenges  have  impacted  Juvederm  sales  growth  more  than  other  areas  of  our

portfolio  based  upon  Juvederm  relatively  higher  price  point.  Looking  to  the  rest  of  the  year,  we

expect  our  market-leading  aesthetics  portfolio  to  continue  to  perform  well  from  a  competitive

perspective across the globe.

As  we  evaluate  market  dynamics  and  leading  economic  indicators,  particularly  in  the  U.S.  and

China, market growth trends are below our prior expectations. Based upon this, we have moderated

our  outlook  for  the  remainder  of  the  year.  Despite  this  near-term  dynamic,  we  remain  confident  in

the long-term growth outlook of our aesthetics portfolio.

Global  market  penetration  rates  are  extremely  low,  and  we  expect  long-term  market  growth  to

accelerate from current levels as economic conditions improve. As the market leader, we are also

committed to driving growth by activating new patients and launching innovative treatment options.

For  example,  in  China,  launch  activities  are  underway  for  the  Botox  Cosmetic  masseter  muscle

prominence indication. And in the U.S., we will soon launch Juvederm Voluma XC for the treatment

of  temple  hollowing,  and  we  expect  an  approval  for  Botox  Cosmetic  in  the  platysma  prominence

indication by the end of the year.

Pipeline catalysts like these in the key U.S. and China markets, along with our significant investment

in consumer activation, injector training and practice support, will enable us to grow the aesthetics

market and maintain our clear leadership position over the long term. With that, I'll turn the call over

to Roopal.

Roopal Thakkar -- Executive Vice President, Research and Development

Thank  you,  Carrie.  We  continue  to  make  very  good  progress  advancing  our  pipeline  with  several

regulatory  and  clinical  milestones  since  our  last  earnings  call.  I  will  start  with  immunology.  We

received  FDA  approval  for  Skyrizi  in  ulcerative  colitis,  which  marks  its  second  inflammatory  bowel

disease indication.

Skyrizi  is  now  the  only  IL-23-specific  inhibitor  approved  for  both  ulcerative  colitis  and  Crohn's

disease.Skyrizi  has  proven  to  be  a  highly  effective,  durable,  safe,  and  well-tolerated  treatment

option  for  patients  with  moderate  to  severe  inflammatory  bowel  disease,  and  this  recent  approval

further strengthens AbbVie's leadership position in this market. We also received a positive CHMP

opinion  recommending  Skyrizi  for  the  treatment  of  moderate  to  severe  ulcerative  colitis  in  Europe

with  an  approval  decision  anticipated  soon.  Earlier  this  month,  we  submitted  our  regulatory

applications in the U.S. and Europe for Rinvoq and giant cell arteritis.

Our  submissions  are  based  on  the  previously  announced  Phase  3  results  from  our  SELECT-GCA

trial,  where  Rinvoq  demonstrated  superiority  compared  to  placebo  on  sustained  remission  from

week 12 through week 52 on disease flare and showed a reduction in total steroid exposure at week

52. We expect approval decisions for this indication next year. We also recently began a Phase 3

study  for  lutikizumab,  our  anti-IL-1  alpha  beta  bispecific  in  hidradenitis  suppurativa.  HS  is  a  skin

disease that can be debilitating, and there are limited treatment options.

In our Phase 2 study, lutikizumab demonstrated strong clinical response rates and improvement in

skin pain in a very refractory patient population. Based on these results, we believe lutikizumab has

the potential to become an important new treatment option for patients with moderate to severe HS.

We look forward to providing updates on the Phase 3 program as the data become available. In the

second quarter, we announced two additional immunology transactions as we continue to invest in

external innovation to expand our pipeline.

These  include  the  acquisition  of  Celsius  Therapeutics,  which  brings  a  Phase-2-ready  anti-TREM1

antibody  for  IBD  and  a  license  agreement  with  FutureGen  to  develop  a  next-generation  anti-TL1A

antibody  for  IBD  that  is  designed  to  have  less  frequent  dosing  compared  to  other  TL1As  in

development  and  will  be  evaluated  in  combination  with  Skyrizi.  This  follows  the  four  immunology

deals we announced earlier this year, which, as a reminder, included the acquisition of Landos and

their oral NLRX1 agonist in Phase 2 for UC, a partnership with OSE to develop a novel ChemR23

agonist for IBD and RA, a collaboration with Parvus to utilize their immune tolerization platform for

novel  IBD  therapies  and  a  collaboration  with  Tentarix  to  develop  conditionally  active  multi-specific

biologics in immunology and oncology. Moving to oncology, where we continue to make very good

progress  across  all  stages  of  our  heme  and  solid  tumor  pipeline.  In  the  area  of  solid  tumors,  we

recently  announced  positive  top-line  results  from  our  Phase  2  PICCOLO  study  evaluating  Elahere

as  a  monotherapy  in  ER  alpha-positive  third  line,  plus  platinum-sensitive  ovarian  cancer  for  those

not eligible for retreatment with platinum-based therapies.

Elahere  met  the  primary  and  key  secondary  endpoints  in  the  study,  demonstrating  an  objective

response  rate  of  52%  and  median  duration  of  response  of  8.25  months.  Detailed  results  will  be

presented  at  an  upcoming  medical  congress.  Following  discussions  with  the  FDA,  we  will  be

submitting  Teliso-V  for  accelerated  approval  as  a  monotherapy  in  patients  with  previously  treated

c-Met overexpressing, EGFR wild-type, non-squamous, non-small-cell lung cancer. This submission

will be reviewed under FDA's real-time oncology review program.

Teliso-V has also received breakthrough therapy designation from the FDA. Our submission will be

based  on  the  results  of  our  Phase  2  LUMINOSITY  study,  where  Teliso-V  demonstrated  strong

clinical  benefits  across  key  endpoints,  including  overall  response  rate,  duration  of  response,  and

overall  survival  with  a  tolerable  safety  profile.  Submission  is  expected  in  the  third  quarter  with  an

approval decision anticipated in 2025. The confirmatory Phase 3 study for this potential accelerated

approval is currently ongoing.

We continue to see encouraging data for ABBV-400, our next-generation c-Met ADC, which uses a

topo  payload.  Recall  that  we've  advanced  400  in  late-line  colorectal  cancer  based  on  the  deep

responses and prolonged durability observed as a monotherapy in our Phase 1 trial, and we remain

on track to begin a Phase 3 study later this year in third-line CRC. We're also seeing encouraging

signals of activity for this next-gen ADC in the non-small-cell lung cancer cohort from our Phase 1

study. The preliminary data will be presented at an upcoming medical meeting.

And based on the emerging Phase 1 results, we plan to begin a Phase 2 program for 400 in lung

cancer.  In  the  area  of  hematologic  oncology,  we  received  accelerated  approval  in  the  U.S.  for

Epkinly  as  a  monotherapy  treatment  for  patients  with  relapsed/refractory  follicular  lymphoma  after

two or more lines of prior therapy. Epkinly is now the only T-cell-engaging bispecific approved in the


to treat both follicular lymphoma and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. We're extremely excited to bring

this  new  subcutaneous  treatment  option  to  patients  suffering  from  follicular  lymphoma.  We  also

recently  received  positive  CHMP  opinion  with  an  approval  decision  in  Europe  expected  later  this

year.  In  the  quarter,  we  initiated  a  Phase  3  monotherapy  study  for  ABBV-383  in  third-line  multiple


383  is  designed  for  high-affinity  binding  to  BCMA  on  malignant  cells  and  low-affinity  binding  to  a

unique  CD3  epitope  on  T-cells,  which  has  the  potential  to  mitigate  some  of  the  adverse  events

associated  with  other  T-cell-engaging  BCMA-based  therapies  while  preserving  high  levels  of

efficacy.  We  remain  excited  about  this  asset's  potential  to  become  a  best-in-class  BCMA/CD3

bispecific  by  providing  deep,  durable  responses  and  low  incidence  and  severity  of  CRS  with  the

potential for outpatient administration, limited or no step-up dosing and monthly administration from

the beginning of treatment. In addition to our Phase 3 monotherapy program, we have an ongoing

Phase 1 study in later lines of multiple myeloma to evaluate 383 in various combinations, including

with  Pomalyst,  Revlimid,  and  Darzalex.  Based  on  this  work,  we  will  begin  Phase  2  combination

studies in earlier lines of therapy next year.

Moving to neuroscience, where in the quarter we announced that we received a complete response

letter  for  our  951  regulatory  application  in  the  U.S.  The  CRL  is  based  on  observations  identified

during an inspection at a third-party manufacturing site that was unrelated to 951. The CRL did not

identify any issues related to the safety, efficacy, or labeling of 951 nor has the FDA requested any

additional clinical data or device-related testing. We're working closely with the site and the FDA to

get clarity on time lines, and we'll provide updates as soon as information becomes available.

Moving to an update on one of our Alzheimer's disease programs. We recently completed an interim

analysis of a Phase 2 study evaluating ABBV-916, our A-beta antibody. The emerging efficacy and

safety profile in this study is similar to what has been demonstrated by approved agents. However,

given the evolving landscape, we do not believe 916 as a monotherapy treatment will be sufficiently

differentiated from other emerging therapies.

As  a  result,  we  are  discontinuing  further  development  for  916  as  a  stand-alone  antibody.  As  Rob

mentioned,  we  remain  on  track  to  close  the  Cerevel  transaction  soon,  and  we  look  forward  to

welcoming  the  team  into  our  R&D  organization.  The  emraclidine  pivotal  studies  in  schizophrenia

remain  on  track  to  begin  reading  out  near  the  end  of  this  year.  We'll  also  see  data  from  two

additional Phase 3 studies for davapidon in Parkinson's disease later this year.

We look forward to providing updates on these programs once the transaction has closed and data

are available. In aesthetics, we recently received approval for Botox in China for masseter muscle

prominence,  marking  the  first  global  approval  in  this  indication  for  any  neurotoxin.  Masseter

prominence  is  common  in  Asian  populations,  and  there  is  significant  unmet  need  for  minimally

invasive  treatment  options.  We  anticipate  high  demand  for  Botox  in  this  novel  indication  in  China,

which will help to further build our portfolio in the face-shaping segment.

A  regulatory  application  is  under  review  in  the  U.S.  for  Botox  and  platysma  prominence,  which  is

another  novel  indication  that  will  help  build  our  position  in  the  lower  face  and  neck  segment.  We

continue  to  expect  an  FDA  approval  decision  later  this  year.  And  we  remain  on  track  to  submit  a

regulatory application for BoNT/E near the end of this year.

A rapid-onset, short-acting toxin has a highly differentiated clinical profile and once approved would

offer  patients  a  novel  option  compared  to  currently  available  toxins.  So  in  summary,  we've  made

great progress across all of our therapeutic areas in the first half of the year, and we look forward to

additional data readouts, regulatory submissions, and approvals throughout the remainder of 2024.

With that, I'll turn the call over to Scott.

Scott Reents -- Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer

Starting with our second quarter results. We reported adjusted earnings per share of $2.65, which is

$0.10  above  our  guidance  midpoint.  These  results  include  a  $0.52  and  unfavorable  impact  from

acquired IP R&D expense. Total net revenues were nearly $14.5 billion, $450 million ahead of our

guidance  and  reflecting  robust  growth  of  5.6%  and  on  an  operational  basis,  excluding  a  1.3%

unfavorable impact from foreign exchange.

Importantly, these results reflect more than 18% sales growth from our ex-Humira growth platform.

Adjusted  gross  margin  was  85.2%  of  sales.  Adjusted  R&D  expense  was  13.3%  of  sales,  and

adjusted  SG&A  expense  was  22.9%  of  sales.  The  adjusted  operating  margin  ratio  was  42.6%  of

sales, which includes a 6.5% unfavorable impact from acquired IP R&D expense.

Net  interest  expense  was  $506  million.  The  adjusted  tax  rate  was  18.8%.  Turning  to  our  financial

outlook. We are raising our full-year adjusted earnings per share guidance by $0.10 to between $10

and $0.71 and $10 and $10.91 This EPS guidance continues to contemplate approximately $0.19 of

dilution for the pending acquisition of Cerevel which is expected to close soon.

Please also note that this guidance does not include an estimate for acquired IP R&D expense that

may  be  incurred  beyond  the  second  quarter.  We  now  expect  total  net  revenues  of  approximately

$55.5 billion, an increase of $500 million. At current rates, we expect foreign exchange to have a 1%

unfavorable impact on full-year sales growth. This revenue forecast includes the following updated

assumptions  with  the  entire  sales  increase,  once  again,  driven  by  our  ex-Humira  growth  platform,

which is now on pace to deliver nearly $6 billion of sales growth in 2024.

We now expect Skyrizi global sales of approximately $11 billion, an increase of $300 million due to

strong  performance  across  all  approved  indications;  Rinvoq  total  revenue  of  approximately  $5.7

billion, an increase of $100 million, reflecting continued robust uptake in IBD. Venclexta total sales

of  approximately  $2.5  billion,  an  increase  of  $100  million,  reflecting  momentum  in  both  U.S.  and

international  markets.  And  for  aesthetics,  we  now  expect  global  revenue  of  approximately  $5.5


Given  slower-than-expected,  near-term  market  growth,  particularly  in  the  U.S.  and  China,  as  a

result, our total sales guidance for Botox and Juvederm will each be lower by roughly $100 million.

Moving  to  the  P&L  for  2024,  we  continue  to  forecast  a  full-year  adjusted  gross  margin  of

approximately  84%  of  sales,  adjusted  R&D  investment  of  14%,  and  adjusted  SG&A  expense  of

23.5%. We now anticipate an adjusted operating margin ratio of roughly 44.5% of sales, in line with

our previous expectations after including the approximately 2% impact of acquired IPR&D expense

incurred through the second quarter.

And  we  forecast  our  non-GAAP  tax  rate  to  be  approximately  16.3%,  also  reflecting  the  impact  of

IPR&D.  Turning  to  the  third  quarter,  we  anticipate  net  revenues  of  approximately  $14.2  billion.  At

current rates, we expect foreign exchange to have a 1.3% unfavorable impact on sales growth. We

expect adjusted earnings per share between $2.92 and $2.96.

This  guidance  does  not  include  acquired  IPR&D  expense  that  may  be  incurred  in  the  quarter.  In

closing,  AbbVie  has  once  again  delivered  outstanding  performance,  and  I'm  very  pleased  with  the

strong momentum across the portfolio heading into the second half of the year. With that, I'll turn the

call back over to Liz.

Liz Shea -- Senior Vice President, Investor Relations

Thanks, Scott. We'll now open the call for questions. [Operator instructions] Operator, first question,



Questions & Answers:
